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PAF C-130B SF2



PAF C-130B for SF2,tailor made for the Indo/Pak mod.Mod represents the C-130B in Service with the Pakistan Air Force during the time of the 65' and the 71' wars.These aircraft were(are!) assigned to the No.6 Transport Squadron based at Chaklala AB.During the time of the 1965 war,they were modified to drop bombs on enemy targets along with carrying out their normal duties.The modifications included the removal of the cargo ramps for better operations.
A detailed description of their missions may be read here:http://www.defencejournal.com/sept98/nodestination2.htm


Includes one aircraft with two textures.Due to the small amount of information available on the topic,I have decided to not include any Serial Numbers.However,the aircraft do sport their nose Codes.The skins include the early Gray/White scheme aswell as the rare SEA camo(present on aircraft delivered from USAF Stocks).Every attempt has been made to bring the skins as close to the real world aircraft as possible.
The Bomber mechanism was directly imported from Paulopanz's excellent An-12 mod found here:http://combatace.com/files/file/15637-an-12-cub-bonus-an-8-camp/


To drop bombs,Open the cargo ramp using Ctrl + O and then press the fire button.


Aircraft model:Dels
Original Aircraft package and Sounds:daddyairplanes
Bomber mechanism:Paulopanz's An-12 mod
Special Thanks to Spinners,Eole and daddyairplanes for the Forum Help!!!
(If an author is left out whose work has been used,then please notify me ASAP)


1.Since the original C-130 Package encouraged modding,I have gone ahead AND included the LOD files.
2.I could not find a suitable cockpit hence the original "Modern" cockpit is included.


The contents of this mod may be used in Other mods.In every instance please give full credits to the original Authors.


After unzipping,move the objects and the sounds folders to your mod folder.


Murtaza Akbar




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      DOWNLAOD: SF2 ACP v0.2


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      MC-130P ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
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      MC-130J ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130P ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130P_12 ------------- USAF Dark Grey
      MC-130W ---------------- USAF Dark Grey
      Please read the readme file (included) for installation instructions and credits.
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