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Help, by VF-143 Sundowner

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Im sure we are all tired of hearing about how the patch didnt patch much in mp, but it did make it somewhat more playable. But...


Heres my problem.


Terrain, everybody uses standard desert terrain (the stock), because the game only allows for exact host to player specs... same planes, same maps, blah blah blah. The problem is that I can host games (and of course I use the default "desert" terrain, so others can play), but I cannot join a game, because the stupid ass game tells me that i dont have the same terrain as the host, and then goes on to say that I may not fly in that session.


I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem, and figured out a way around it, or some way to fix it.


Hopefully your answers will help me and many others, greatly.

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Havent done any MP yet, too busy trying to help out with the other stuff atm, i'll look into it and see what i can do, i saw the MP ini file with some of the stuff in it, i'll take a look later :)

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That happened to me once, I exited then went back to the same game and it allowed me to play. Where it said terrian it said *Desert* then when I cam back it said Desert(Fictonal) then it allowed me to play. Dont know what it is happing to you everytime. :roll:

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hmm... i would try your trick... if my joystick hadn't broken today while i was playing IL2.


Keep the suggestions coming.




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got it, and the sig pics looks great!


Now if i could get my new joystick to work i could try out the files you sent me.

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