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A weird problem to say the least...

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So I´ve updated my laptop to Windows 10 a few days ago and today I decided to see if all my games work properly... every game works perfectly except SF2. Everything works except this one thing but I dont know how to describe it really...


Here's some pics:








Anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks in advance!

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yes. your problem is Winblowze 10.


see the other threads about SF2 & Win10

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wish I could be of more help .. but I'm on 7 and ain't changing!! :biggrin:

it seems the new OS is more trouble than it's worth!

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I had the same issues on my laptop forgot to switch to my ATI CG and stay with the Intel CG by default instead ( you just need to configure your commutable graphic to select the right CG for SF2)

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i just fiddled a bit with my graphic card and it seemed fo fix it

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