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Hello modders. Does a .tga file exist somewhere for the three-coloured new design of red star used by the Russian Air Force since 2010? Following the Syrian events, I have resumed work in progress on a Modern Russian Medals Pack. I plan to complete and release it soon with two new Nations in the Nations List, Russian Air Force 1992-2010 and Russian Air Force post-2010, and this Insignia at the right size would be very useful to me. Could someone help?


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I know i have it somewhere but i just converted it if you need it ;)

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There should be one included in the decals folder of the Black Sea Crisis mod package by eburger IIRC.  I'm not 100% sure and I can't check atm, maybe others can confirm.  Looking forward to your Medals Packs, medals are one of the things that I like in SF2.

Edited by blaze95

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There should be one included in the decals folder of the Black Sea Crisis mod package by eburger IIRC.  I'm not 100% sure and I can't check atm, maybe others can confirm.  Looking forward to your Medals Packs, medals are one of the things that I like in SF2.

Black Sea Crisis is still playing the Cold War, Soviet revisionists vs the Free World. That's why I plan Russia as a new Nation beginning in 1992, rather than inactivating the Union in 1991: the Soviet Union may survive in many hypothetical campaigns. But Putin's Russia is still another kind of attractive monster to be played (Eltsin's, much less, IMHO).

Er, yet after check, you're damn right about Black Sea Crisis: new Nations file, and the famous three-coloured stars available for the Federation as soon as 1992. I should draw more inspiration from this fine work...

I know i have it somewhere but i just converted it if you need it ;)

It works fine, thank you! Be blessed now, and credited later...

Edited by Capitaine Vengeur

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There is to much blue in your drawing of the russian insignia.


So it looks in reality



Edited by Gepard

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