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Viva La France...

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Meilleurs voeux à la france,du Royaume-Uni


Together we Stand ,Devided we Fall...

Time to take the fight to the enemy...

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I have to say it my dear english-speaking french, as a french for foreigner teacher : it's VIVE la France.  :buba: 

Thanks a lot, even if sometimes I doubt that we are desserving so much support. We are such assholes with our friends and allies...

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Emp_Palpatine, no country is perfect. But no one should be so brutally attacked as this. There is no call or reason so great as to merit this evil.

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Nope, it's a common mistake among english speaking people, especially among Americans. 

I guess it's because the famous scene in Casablanca where the same mistake is pronounced.

Whatever, the support is hearthwarming, not the grammar!  :biggrin:

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Together we Stand ,Devided we Fall...



....  we band of brothers.



Edited by paulopanz
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....  we band of brothers.



Damn straight! Civilization against medieval barbarism.

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At least one good thing has come out of all this carnage - the world leaders are now willing to come together and work with each-other more to defeat a common foe. Even the Russians have said that the French are now to be considered allies in the fight against ISIS.


We need more co-operation between member states and world leaders to defeat these merciless barbarians.

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