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Shrike ARM missile question

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Newbee here with a question regarding anti radar missiles. How Do you get a lock on a SAM site in the game. All the missile does when fired is head straight for the dirt???

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First question, have you targeted a ground object?


Second question, what range are you firing from? the Shrike is a somewhat short ranged weapon.

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First question, have you targeted a ground object?


Second question, what range are you firing from? the Shrike is a somewhat short ranged weapon.


Well, I can get a red box on a SAM 2 for example, manuever towards it and wait for a lock indication or something then fire. I've tried this at diferent ranges as close as 2 miles out of desperation.

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The main problem is there is not onboard indicator (that I know of) that tells you your locked on for the SHrike or other guided a2g weapons unlike the Sparrow or Sidewinder, you have to know the paramaters of your weapon and just guess. Still 2nm is well within range for the shrike, I usually end up engaging at about seven miles and I usually get hits. what are your settings? sometimes mismatched settings (example hard radar, normal weapons) can be wonky on weaons effectiveness.

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Normal Normal on settings. Oh well, I'll play with it some more. One more question off topic. How do you add a weapons pack to WOV??? Or better which ones are available?

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Well, I can get a red box on a SAM 2 for example...


OK, the target you are selecting *could* be the problem. If you come from older games like Falcon3.0 where the ARM's would go for kills on SA-2 launchers and the like, you need to remember that we nolonger model SAM batteries as a single object!


In short, don't target the SA-2 launchers, but target the RADAR! Look for a "BARLOCK" or "FANSONG" radar, and try launching against those. Look for it with the target view (F-8 key, I think, isnt it?). You should see a......Well, it's a radar-looking thingy (Real technical now) and shoot at that.


If your missile impacts on the target, the missiles connected to that radar will stop firing, and you can then pound the area with CBU's to kill the launchers.

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hi, which procedure do I have to attend for using the missile Shirke and ARM to attach terrestrial targets as Stations radar or station SAM?

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hi, which procedure do I have to attend for using the missile Shirke and ARM to attach terrestrial targets as Stations radar or station SAM?


Using Shrikes and STARMs is a quite simple, really, as the intended target actually provides the guidance for your weapons, and, you do not have to select or lock up a target.


In the first image, I want you to pay attention to the RWR display at the top right of the instrument panel. See the blips at approximately the 10, 11:30, and 1:30 positions? Those are radar emitters, in search mode.




One of them has decided to go from search to track mode, and has therefore made itself a threat. It's now inside the outer ring, and I've maneuvered top place just off my nose (*NOTE* its position within the RWR display has nothing to do with its actual range, it's simply moved up in "threat level", and therefore appears closer to the center of the screen).




In this image, the SAM radar has now switched from track to acquisition mode (note the blip's position inside the inner-most ring), which means that he can uplink to, and steer, a SAM towards me. He's also made himself a juicy target for a Shrike :biggrin:




I simply orient my aircraft so the intended target is at the 12 O' clock position on my RWR, select a Shrike or STARM, and send it on its way before they respond with a SAM. At this point, I'm free to maneuver, as the missile requires no further action on my part.





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am I incapable to use the AGM-78 Standard ARM, as I have to do? when stung toward me target, to around 3Nm, and I shoot him/it, the missile collapses to the ground without striking.


thanks, now have understood! thanks

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but excuses, the Skrike is easy to be used, but the StARM is not hooked! fall to the ground! how do I have to do?

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The STARM has a longer range, and is supposed to have its target memory capabilities enabled, so it will track a target even if it switches off its emitter.


Perhaps you're firing it at too much of an angle, and at too close a target. The STARM works best when the target is 10 KM or more away. Also, you need point the nose of the plane just above the horizon and "loft" the missile towards the target.


When I get home from work, I'll put together an instructional video, showing how it's done.

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Guest Saganuay82

"I'll put together an instructional video, showing how it's done."


"WHATTTTTTTTT " OMG its like you actually care. LOL

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"I'll put together an instructional video, showing how it's done."


"WHATTTTTTTTT " OMG its like you actually care. LOL


Keep it up, and you'll get to keep someone company on an island in the Antarctic. Maybe he'll make you first underlord... :tongue:

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i have found that with the STARM's all i have to do once i get a blip in the rwr is move my aircraft so that the blip is in the 12 o'clock position fire and it's dead.


To add to fubars description of how to kill with shrike's i have found that once some one calls out SAM launch and i hit the "R" key it locks onto the sam site where the sam came from i then turn my nose to that sam site set my radar to 10nm and as soon as i see a brighter blip then the rest come into view which is at 10nm's then bye bye radar.

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