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Hi all,


First : While in-game, on the map (Alt-M), i see ''red'' aircraft, but not the plane logo, just the names. Is there a way to solve this.


Second : Is there a parameter to play with so when we have an engine flameout we have more time to try to extinguish the fire (like more then the current 15 second or so i have? Is that particular to every aircraft or a general parameter?



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Hi Frenchie, 1. Answer: I think it has to be visually identified by a friendly, after which the label pops up. Perhaps it is to simulate "bandits, 20 miles!" ---> "holy sh*t they're Mig-28s!"...

2. Question! How does one extinguish fires? I have tried turning off engine (Ctrl-I) and reduce to idle power, but doesn't help.


P.S. i find them interesting questions.

Edited by Do335

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fire suppression is automatic, as set in the aircraft's data ini


as to the map question, you're statement is a little unclear.

do you mean to say "I see the map icon, without the aircraft name/label displayed"? or you have JUST the name displayed?

can you clarifly?


unitl the enemy A/C is IDed (usually visually) you should only have the Red Icon (square with a plane). Now, mind you, some mods exist that don't allow them to show at all

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Thanks for the reply.


For the first thing :

Whatever the distance, i will see in red the enemy aircraft type (like MIG-17F, or ace name if pilot is), but not the plane icon. On the Blue side, i have the plane icon and flight ident. (like Rambler, Ford, etc.). I think that one of the mod installed might have removed it, but which one, can't remember? :)


For the second:

i don't know how to really take them out.

If flying high (12-15k ft , i saw over time that fire is took out if going higher (like 20-25k ft) so air with less oxygen is taken in the balance?.

If i'm ''mid level'' (6-12k) i dive as long as i can with engine off.

If low (6k and lower), got screwed most of the time :)


So, the line stating FireSuppression=TRUE will mean fire can be taken out by itself (but not always), but no way to adjust the time before plane is full of flames?

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ok I see, for firechances find these in your AIRCRAFTOBJECT.ini, I think the values are self explanatory. (goes to the Objects\ folder in the mods)




per TK, FireSuppression=TRUE reduces those fire chances, but it's still a dice roll.


Also engine and fuel tank hitpoints play a role, as in fewer hitpoints --> more likely to fire.



But, what i have found interesting is seems AI is much more efficient in putting out fires, and especially! Engine damage. When flying piston engine aircraft, hit by a few shells, my engine quits a few seconds later. Which is weird. If the engine is destroyed, the effect should be immediate. I'm guessing it could be oil temperature or something.

Edited by Do335
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So, we can edit the parameter, nice find Do!


As you put it, there is a 6 second check if fire will broke out. 10 percent chance fire will be taken out and 15 percent chance fire will go out of control? This is how i see it :) And yes, AI is great to put them out, but won't reveal their trick :)


Piston engine aircraft often see their engine quit after a few hits, that is true. But the A-1 can sometimes take a lot of hit before getting out of action.

Edited by 1977Frenchie

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