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I have been using Nyghtfall's amazing HiRes A-4 Templates to put together IAF skins for all the A-4 Ahits.  The 30mm DEFA cannon barrels show up as the light blue of the rest of the underside only on the A-4H_AHIT_72.  The A-4H_AHIT_72 is a choice in the loadout screen, and there is no option for the A-4H_AHIT_68 at the loadout screen.  The Object Files/Aircraft has a folder for the A-4H_AHIT_68, but there is no folder for the A-4H_AHIT_72.  If it sounds confusing, it really is.

Going back to my pre-locked LOD backup, there are no LOD's for the A-4H_AHIT_72 but there are LOD's for the A-4H_AHIT_68.  The Object/Aircraft folder shows no A-4H_AHIT_72 folder and there is nothing for the A-4H_AHIT_72 in the objectdata files.  The game loads the new skins from the A-4H_AHIT_68 folder when I select the A-4H_AHIT_72 from the loadout screen.

Has any one else noticed this before, or am I just losing my mind?

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what EXACTLY are you trying to say?? That's some of the most confusing stuff I've seen here in a while!


Did you LOOK at the each of the Ahit's main inis???

Look at the DisplayedName= statement


the folder highlighted in the screenshot below IS the Ahit 72

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The actual name is different from the foldername:


A-4H_Ahit = Ahit (72)

A-4H_Ahit_68 = Ahit


Ahit (70) and Ahit (73) are correct.


I like your idea of Israeli Skyhawks, but since my hebrew is non-existent, I never tried to do skins for them. If you want to wait a bit, I can provide you a new template I'm working on (higher resolution, corrected panellines and several shortcomings on the old template).






Edited by Nyghtfall
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Wrench, the load mission screen shows the A-4 Ahit, the A-4H Ahit 70, the A-4H Ahit 72, and the A-4 Ahit 73. The main ini for the A-4H Ahit 68 shows the aircraft full name as A-4H Ahit, but the LOD callouts are for the A-4H_AHIT_68. The main ini for the A-4H Ahit shows the aircraft full name as A-4H Ahit (72), but the LOD callouts are for the A-4H_AHIT.

P.S. Best wishes on a full recovery!


Nyghtfall, you are putting together bigger, better and improved A-4 templates! I had never worked with templates before, but really wanted to make an attempt at assembling some high res Israeli A-4 skins from your existing templates. It was an interesting learning curve, and the current skins are drop dead gorgeous! Your templates made some incredibly hot looking Scooters.

Edited by NeverEnough

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