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Which ground objects packs are required for most terrains?

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Hey all, I was playing around with different mods and I accidentally messed up my ground objects folder and so I started from scratch with my ground objects and this has led to a rash of very annoying crashes... I have downloaded the standard AAA, Tanks, SAMS, Transport and even Paskos desert objects pack but to no avail what do you guys recommend for a slew of ground objects to stop these constant crashes

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save what you can (aircraft, terrains, decals, effecs, etc), then delete that mods folder, and start fresh. Hit the exe again, and let it rebuilt a new. Tat's the only real sure fire way to fix the issue.

THEN, and only then, start adding whichever objects are called for. ALWAYS read an add-on terrains readme, most will usually tell you whats required

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that's the beauty of the SF2 system -- you screw something up, save what isn't broke, and delete the rest. Then let the exe rebuild a new mods folder

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