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When the tensions between Vietnam and China became stronger and stronger US president Trump decided to sell surplus F-16C to Vietnam. So he wanted to have Vietnam as a new ally as counterweight against the chinese territorial claims in the south chinese sea.




Over the south chinese sea vietnamese Vipers intercepted chinese J-10.



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cool. when I first saw this i thought the backstory would be pakistan selling to VPAF the first batch of f-16's from 81-82. Don't know what they would get in nreturn other than monetary and business transactions.


A letter of agreement for up to 28 F-16A's and 12 F-16B's was signed December 1981. The contracts, Peace Gate I and Peace Gate II, were for 6 and 34 Block 15 models respectively which would be powered by the F100-PW-200 engine. The fist Peace Gate I aircraft was accepted at Fort Worth in October 1982. Two F-16A and four F-16B were delivered to Pakistan in 1983, the first F-16 arriving at PAF Base Sargodha (now known as PAF Base Mushaf) on 15 January 1983 flown by Squadron Leader Shahid Javed. The 34 remaining Peace Gate II aircraft were delivered between 1983 and 1987.[35][3

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