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AI's utterly pathetic shooting abilities...

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It's an age-old problem, I know. But is there some way, any way, around this old and absurd problem? I mean the A.I. always shoots way to low or hundreds of meters away of the target. It's ridiculous when they fly in a straight line pursuit and shoot hundreds of bullets hitting only thin air. 


Any guesses or ideas? 

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oh YES. Check [dogfightgreen] (or DogfightAce, DogfightNovice etc) in the AircraftAIData.ini


CannonFireAngle=X.XX  <--reduce this DRASTICALLY.


If you just wanna change individual aircraft instead of globally, put it into individual aircraft data.ini like this





I think TK gave this relatively high numbers so the player can have an easier time dodging gun fire etc. Have seen no bad effect but more AI accurate shooting by lowering it.

Edited by Do335
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you may also look at the [strafeAI] section in the aircraft data INI ( for the practicular aircraft) and check the line "AimPitchOffset=" incraesing the number make the AI  shoot higher and decreasing means lower for the stock aircrafts with TW flight models its usualy OK but for some 3rd party aircrafts its somthimes hard to find the corect aim point  many of them are released for SF1 diferent patch levels and so on. If you dont have [strafeAI] section in your aircraft data ini and the AI dont hit anything you need to add this section (from another aircraft) and starting with "AimPitchOffset=0.0" and then adjusting it to value that makes the IA to shoot corectly.

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Palpatine i'm on Korea mod so might be different for each theater.. Globally I'm using half the default values and for individual radar gunsight equipped aircraft I use 1/20th of default. But it is for korea and usually radar gunsight = 50cal peashooters so those need to be really accurate. Cannon armed later fighters probably doesn't need to be that small/overkill I think.



  On 4/3/2016 at 2:56 PM, Tzareff said:


StrafeAI numbers are for ground attack strafing..

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For some reason I found that when  I was doing my AI statements for the F-15E FM upgrade that the AI likes AIMPITCHOFFSET= to be a positive number and AI will more reliably drop their bombs if this number is positive as for dogfighting in my AI i set everyone from green on up at veteran and that helps

Also in a korea or WW2 install making the AI shoot better with guns will drastically reduce your lifespan I would more recommend those for a Vietnam through modern day situation it should be fine 

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bah... It's a constant debate of game balance in my head. For example with default value the AI mig-15s could unload entire ammo without hitting anything. I reckon that is not great. But ofc, giving it too small angles would surely mean certain doom for the BluFor.shredder_zps6c654ee9.gif
So ultimately yes depends on how MAN one is.shredder_zps6c654ee9.gif

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