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Mike Dora

FE2 "Square" Trees

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Hello again all,


My project to convert all my old FE1 configurations to FE2 is almost complete; now have good flight models, good effects, good framerates and (almost) good sceneries.


The only remaining fly in the ointment is that the trees in my "seasonal" Western Front terrains are appearing as odd square apparitions, please see the screenshots. I'm using the "TEROBJECT_TREES1.tga", "TER_NEWTREES1.tga" and "TER_FORRESTS1.tga" files for the trees.


I feel sure I've seen something similar raised and resolved in the past, but despite multiple searches I can't find anything. Help please! There is probably some simple setting somewhere that needs changing to fix this (there usually is!).







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I have had this problem before. The terrain has the wrong tga file for the alpha objects. Go into the terrain data ini and it will list which tga and bmp is used for each tile. If you have multiple tga's with the same name, you may need to do some trial and error.

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Thanks Stephen,


That's a helpful pointer. I'm not clear though on what you mean by "multiple TGAs with the same name". Surely in each folder there can only be one TGA file with a given name? Or do you mean that there should only be one "*trees*" TGA file in use for a given terrain, not two like I appear to have?




Edited by Mike Dora

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nope, you can have multiple tgas for trees.

there's one individual trees (ter_objecttrees1, and/or ter_objecttrees2, ter_newtrees1 ter_newtrees2, etc)

another for "forests" (ter_foresst1,  for example)


it all depends on how the TOD was put together. 


which means either finding the exact data ini from the mod that added for forests, or changing the individual call outs on those tiles that call for them. Using SF/SF2 as an example the "J" series tiles, any with a "J" in them  are forests.

Same goes for individual trees.


these below are the STOCK callout, taken from the Cambri data ini:


(these are also used on ALL stock 3W terrains)
what the terrain (re)engineer did, will be listed as such in the terrain data ini. It's just finding the right "shape" tga that's the time consumer

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... I'm not clear though on what you mean by "multiple TGAs with the same name". Surely in each folder there can only be one TGA file with a given name? Or do you mean that there should only be one "*trees*" TGA file in use for a given terrain, not two like I appear to have?

What  mean is, the terrain builder may have changed the file, but used the same name. If you have accidentally gotten the old file into the folder, it won't match how the trees were defined in the TOD. You can have multiple tree tga's in the same terrain, the data.ini will point to the correct one for that tile.


Which terrain is having the problem?

Edited by Stephen1918

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Many thanks guys,


You gave me the right clues (again).


All I had to do was replace all occurrences of "terobject_trees1.TGA" in the relevant terrains' *_data.ini with "ter_newtrees1.tga", and I got the results desired, see new screen captures.


Wish it were always so simple!


Thanks again







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Don't we all!!


glad you got it fixed!!

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