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Mike Dora

FE1/2 Strange Tree Effect

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Recently been making progress in tweaking FE2 to run as well as my good old FE1 installation, but in the course of the tests I've encountered a strange tree effect, please see screenshots. The file involved is TER_NEWTREES1.tga, which I think is part of Stary's FE great seasonal tiles (could be wrong, it's been a long time).





One clue is that this effect seems to be focused on airfield perimeters. Also, it affects both FE1 & FE2.


Any clues anyone please, how can I eliminate these flying trees and telegraph poles? Be even better to put them in their proper places..  :)





Edited by Mike Dora

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This looks like the same problem you had with the square trees - the terrain data file for those tiles is pointing to the wrong AlphaObjectTexture.

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I have never encountered this before in my FE 1 game but oddly enough I have a game called Panzer Elite Action and sometimes the trees are hanging in the air in the same way, weird. !!!

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Thanks Stephen


That gave me the clue. Further testing showed that the problem only applied to the Flanders terrain, and on further digging I found that it was due to a very old mistake when applying Stary's FE stock terrains upgrade to the Flanders terrain.


In the Flanders_data file I had replaced all appearances of AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA with AlphaObjectTexture=ter_newtrees1.tga. In fact for a range of specific terrain tiles, including the FrAirfield1.BMP tile, the setting should remain as terobject_trees1.TGA. Correcting this error gives me the Flanders airfield appearance shown below:




Like I said, this seems to have been an old mistake, only showing up now after I corrected the square trees thing!


Thanks again



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