Wilches 1,173 Posted June 28, 2016 In there any available? http://www.saairforce.co.za/seed/public/files/aircraft_images/226/462f4f2f42460_large.jpg https://www.google.com.br/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saairforce.co.za%2Fseed%2Fpublic%2Ffiles%2Faircraft_images%2F226%2F462f4f2f42460_large.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.saairforce.co.za%2Fthe-airforce%2Faircraft%2F226%2Fcl-13b-sabre-mk-6&docid=NXwAbRVRA4wizM&tbnid=SVbUSL68PA8erM%3A&w=587&h=254&hl=pt-BR&authuser=0&bih=834&biw=1821&ved=0ahUKEwi3z7et6crNAhUHUJAKHc-kCdcQMwhCKBowGg&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=254&imgdii=SVbUSL68PA8erM%3A%3BSVbUSL68PA8erM%3A%3BcecK-0txUXhgFM%3A&w=587 http://www.saairforce.co.za/seed/public/files/aircraft_images/226/462f4f2f91e9c_large.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AdxtjNEwUAY/UNu3Sh3vHPI/AAAAAAAABUI/IF9dwMH7CoQ/s1600/Sabre+(1).jpg http://s148.photobucket.com/user/old_tonto/media/SAAF/Sabre/sabre001ya5.jpg.html http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTE5WDU3Mw==/z/O-IAAOSwBP9UWnV-/$_1.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TtojXQqXkrk/UQ9yDz3hMXI/AAAAAAAABaM/x4oqGamAsSI/s640/SAAF+Canadair+Sabre+Mk+6.jpg http://img.wp.scn.ru/camms/ar/97/pics/61_5_a1.jpg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfly 10 Posted June 29, 2016 (edited) There are lots of soft-wing SAAF F-86F-30 skins available with the Korean Air War mod pack, but judging by the photos you linked, you are looking for SAAF Canadair Sabres? Edited June 29, 2016 by skyfly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,042 Posted June 29, 2016 which makes no real difference, as they're all mapped the same Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyfly 10 Posted June 29, 2016 which makes no real difference, as they're all mapped the same Well, I guess there should be pretty significant flight model differences between the Canadair Sabres and the standard F-86s due to the more powerful Orenda engine used in the Canadairs compared to the GE models in the standard F-86s. The Canadair should have better acceleration overall, and better high altitude performance. But otherwise the airframe is about the same Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilches 1,173 Posted June 29, 2016 Guys, I´m looking for SAAF skins, the silver and camo examples like the shots. I´ve search on downloads without success. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,042 Posted June 29, 2016 templates have long been available ... if you follow my drift ------------------------- the existing Candairs' (by the GMG modder group) have NOT had the FM upgrades like all the others I've released. That INCLUDES the Mk.4 and Mk.6 I've done for the RAF, RCAF, AMI, Paki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites