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The Swedish Air Force celebratetes its 90 year anniversery

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Today is the 90th anniversary of the Swedish Air Force. It has been a long and hard road for the pilots, crew and officers from the humble beginnings to the cold war era when the Swedish Air Force was the 4th largest in the world.

It has been an era of triumphs from the deployment of the J 29 Tunnan in Kongo to the lock-on of a SR-71 Blackbird by the JA 37 Viggen. It has also been an era of tragedy - the vigilance of the Air Force took a heavy toll on its pilots and crewmen, especially during the cold war years. They became the casualties we thankfully never had to endure in a real war.

Even today, the Swedish Air Force is one to be respected despite diminished numbers and me and my team will strive to give you the best experience possible within the limitations of the game engine.




Edited by JonathanRL
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