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this got me thinking, AWACS arn't modeled in this game, however the player can lock a target on radar then visually designate it and then hand it off to wingmen to destroy... right?


So would I be right in thinking we can be AWACS?


Craig :cool:


PS. I'd post this in the thread I meantioned exept HQ dosn't like me, I'm banned even though I've never been a member and the staff wont answer my emails :dry:

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The "attack my target" command only exists for your own wingman who of course tends to stick around you.

For other flights you only have "attack ground/air".

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There's that, and the cact that AWACS doesn't seem to have RADAR.


IF you ask for a picture, all clear, swing you nose around onto an area, Bingo, announcement

of bogies. They seem to data-link to your sensors...

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