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What is best Windows 10 Nvidia Drivers for SF2?

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I'm still using Nvidia driver set 353.82 on my Windows 10 SF2 computer.


Anyone using newer drivers with NO problems running SF2?


I'm using an EVGA GTX 660 graphics card.





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latest for me is fine ...EVGA SUPERCLOCKED GTX980 card  using gforce experience to auto update em WORK FINE ON MY 970 TOO


Edited by russouk2004

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I'm using the latest one and it works just fine.  No flashing textures, no stutters.  Alienware Alpha with the somewhat vaguely named "GeForce Chip".  Seriously.  That's all the device manager describes it as.

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Geforce GTX 660, using driver version 372.70.   No problems.

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