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Looking for Douglas F3D and Egyptian MC.205 for SF2

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I am trying to add some aircraft to the campaign of the first middle east war and Korean air war,so anyone has these two add-ons?

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You can get them at Dev ATEAM, good luck

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Hmmm unfortunately you will have to brave the minefield of Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer Crapuns site, as there are a fair few modls he has "ownership" of just be careful, and follow his pathetic "Look at me, I'm the big cahoona" rules and you should be ok,.........me ?....bitter ?....me ?.....naaaaaaw ....... :airplane:

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Hmmm unfortunately you will have to brave the minefield of Herr Obersturmbannfuhrer Crapuns site, as there are a fair few modls he has "ownership" of just be careful, and follow his pathetic "Look at me, I'm the big cahoona" rules and you should be ok,.........me ?....bitter ?....me ?.....naaaaaaw ....... :airplane:


I Guess He would not allowed me pass because he said he would not accept register from my country...

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Pfft the guy is just a cockwomble, he gets off on making it as difficult as possible, which is ridiculous......the problem is we cannot post any of his files on here because it would start legal bullshit up, which we sure as hell dont want, what makes it doubly ridiculous is the fact that these are freeware files which should be freely available to all users of SF/FE , but he has some fuckin' bee in his fucking bonnet....mans a dicksplash.

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not to mention that the alure of his site is not the quality of the mods, but rather the variety he has that we don't (Connies, various WW2 ships, the above requested). Also i think most of the 3d modellers wont recreate the wheel since it is available, just difficult to get.


F24A, careful what you ask for. those are set to Gen1 (means some minimal conversion at best) and esp props have wonky FMs esp in SF2.

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Yes there are some "must have" aircraft over there, but as Daddyairplanes says, the FM's can be a little on the dodgy side, some of the aircraft have been updated, the Viggens are a prime example, unfortunately though you need to aquire the relavent LODS to allow thes to work, unfortunately, no one is activley updating and producing many new models of some of these aircraft, which is a shame, but the sim is getting on in years now  (in relative terms) and the modding community is a lot less than it used to be unfortunately.

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well as i've said it isnt completely dead. i know of several project out there  but the folks seem to be on sabbatical at this moment. btw check pm sir

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Oh no, its far from dead, I know there are several projects in the works, there are just fewer people involved now as many have moved on to the likes of DCS , I as you may have noticed am taking a break from SF, and doing a bit of work on FE , just for a break from SF. The sim is far from dead, its just a shame we cannot get full access to the locked files, as I am sure the sim could be modded up to date.

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Well,now I indeed got banned by A-Team forever......Too bad......

At least I only need a few aircraft add-ons,I can download most add-on here.But there are some aircraft I can't find on Ace.Plus Me-410 and F2H-2 (v2 )...

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welcome to a club with a long and illustrious member list..... those banned by DAT!

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Indeed. Welcome to the club.


Considering I was the one that MADE the EAF Mc.205 all those years ago. And historically correct markings for VMF(N)-513's Skyknights in Korea.  Pity the model needs so much revamping. It's quite old and really long in the tooth

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Indeed. Welcome to the club.


Considering I was the one that MADE the EAF Mc.205 all those years ago. And historically correct markings for VMF(N)-513's Skyknights in Korea. Pity the model needs so much revamping. It's quite old and really long in the tooth

Wow,so do you still have these add-ons?

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Well,I just purchase F2H on RAZ,so I won't need to get it from ATeam.Now I only need two aircraft addons...

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So is there anyone has the add-on of A-Team's Me-410 and MC.205 ?

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