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This Day in History Screenshot Thread

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The Battle of the Bzura (or the Battle of Kutno) was the largest Polish counter-attack of the German invasion of Poland and was fought from 9 to 19 September 1939. The battle took place west of Warsaw, near the Bzura River. It began as a Polish counter-offensive, which gained initial success, but the Germans outflanked the Polish forces with a concentrated counter-attack. Finally the Polish forces were completly destroyed.








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September 23rd, 1947 - The prototype Hawker P.1040 departs Boscombe Down for Farnborough for further testing

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October 6th, 1942 - No ops for No.402 RCAF but the squadron logbook shows several training and meteorological flights from RAF Kenley

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10 May 1972,  one of the busiest of the air war over North Vietnam with the commencement of Operation Linebacker

11 VPAF fighters would be shot down that day (including 3 by Showtime 100 crew of Cunningham and Driscoll, becoming the only USN aces of the war) vs 2 Phantoms each from the Navy and USAF (including Showtime 100, downed by a SAM after its third kill)



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