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Mike Dora

FE2 Individual Aircraft Missing Numbers/Letters Issue

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Hello All


For a while now I've noticed a minor but irritating issue with the individual aircraft numbers & letters in FE2. Sometimes they appear on the aircraft of a formation, sometimes all them are anonymous - none of them have identifying individual numbers/letters.


I've tried testing to try to pin down when this happens, but to no avail. The nearest I can get is that _sometimes_ (not always) when I check the "Loadout" screen in an individual mission, I see that all machines are allotted the same identity. When that happens, and I go to "Fly", all the aircraft have no individual numbers/letters. But I haven't been able to identify any consistent circumstances related to this.


Any ideas anyone please?





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I think the stock Numbers and letters on some aircraft, especially the add-ons, only go from 000 to 015. 000 being blank (never knew why). But the game reads up to 099. So if you fly a couple of missions the game has already cycled through the 16 decals in the decals folder. After that they will not appear until the games has finished the 100 decal cycle after several missions. Every time I make decals I start at 000, create a decal for 000, and end at or around 015. Then I copy all 16 decals and rename them for the next batch Ex: 017 - 032. Continue this process till you end with 099 decals. It's a lot of work but your plane and others in your flight will always have decals.

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Thank you for this info. Quack. I've also noticed these peculiarities as Mike stated - especially obvious with the Nieu. 17/23 types, sometimes they are missing wing numbers and tail/fuselage numbers - always wondered why that was.


Von S

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