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Could someone add my name to the freeware agreement so people can use my stuff in a mod? Speaking of which, do we have an updated one with a recent list of names or is the one last updated in 2012 still the most recent?


Also, I want to use some objects from the old Enhanced WOV mod & Piecemeal's Desert4 terrains. Since both are already uploaded here for free and my terrain will also be uploaded here, is that going to be problematic for folks? My terrain will be exclusive only to CA.

Edited by PFunk

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Done. It is updated as requests are made so that it remains current. As long as you follow the intent and instructions of the agreement you are free to modify, include, or improve on any author's work listed. If they are not listed contact them for approval and with all releases make sure proper credit is given. Simply put people like to be acknowledged for their work if it's used in any way. Follow that guideline and you won't go wrong.





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please add me too...

tought I asked about this some time ago..but im not there or...I can't see myself...or I was thinkg about asking and forgot to ask..

thanks in advance..



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Copy that.  I've contacted Piecemeal and eburger68.  I'll proceed with the work, but I will not upload until I have express permission since they are not on the list of those who have released their work.

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