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Tom Cruise confirms Top Gun 2

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Hmmmmmmmmm.............. don't look as good as the old one..........too much emphasis on technology and less on aerial combat skills.

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Come on Rusty, don't fight the Loving Feeling...

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So this time which nation will be the enemy?NK?Iran?Or Russia?

Plus,looks like this movie will be a movie about F/A-18......

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Last time I heard about a Top Gun sequel, everyone seemed to have a hard-on for making it a story based around UAVs/UCAVs. I hope to christ it's not the case with this one! Stealth was bad enough-- that film lost something like $60 million! I really hope they don't CGI the shit out of it, something studios are all too ready to do with films these days. I hate watching movies where I get popped out of the immersion by really crappy CGI with no understanding of physics. [/irritableBastardRant]

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Come on Rusty, don't fight the Loving Feeling...



Well I will certainly give it a try and see what it's like...............

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I would've preferred Top Gun: AGM-65 but Maverick will do.

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There's gonna be jets. But is there gonna be volleyball-playing?

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It be called Top Gun: Maverick

Whoa, Tom Cruise making another film that's all about him. I'm stunned...

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Tom Cruise stars as Tom Cruise in the action flick of the summer: Top Gun: Tom Cruise!

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