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News of Su-33 for DCS World 
Currently in the Eagle Dynamics update hangar is our Su-33 for DCS World / Flaming Cliffs 3. This carrier-borne aircraft is in the final stages of receiving a big, FREE update that includes much improved flight dynamics and the addition of several new systems. This will bring our Su-33 much more aligned with its real-world counterpart.

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Features of this upcoming Su-33 update include:

  • More detailed and accurate simulation of the wing control surfaces that include the leading and trailing edge flaps and the differential ailerons. In addition to the conventional differential stabilizers, canard behavior has also been improved for more realistic behavior. The Flight Control System (FCS) will automatically reconfigure itself depending on the flight mode.
  • The adaptations that make the Su-33 aircraft-capable have been updated and improved to include the wing-fold mechanism, reinforced landing gear struts, and the inclusion of high-gain nose wheel steering for use on crowded carrier decks.
  • The physical mechanisms by which the arrestor hook engages the aircraft carrier arrestor wire has been greatly improved. Correct physics have been applied to the arrestor wire and its’ interaction with the aircraft.
  • The engines now have a “special mode” that adds up to 12,800 kg of thrust (instead of the normal 12,500 kg of thrust). This mode also includes realistic operating time restrictions.
  • A new FCS mode used when aerial refueling has also been implemented. When in this mode and the control stick is released, the aircraft will automatically maintain level flight. This FCS mode allows fine-control and thus making it easier to make contact with the tanker within a pitch range of plus or minus 5 degrees and of a roll angle of plus or minus 10 degrees.
  • The Auto-Thrust Control (ATC) is used for automatic speed holding and can be fine-tuned with a set speed switch. This can be useful with landing on the carrier.
  • The automatic collision avoidance system (“Uvod” mode) is now included and allows safe nap-of-the-earth flying.

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This is cool. Glad to see the 33 getting some attention, I liked it back in the Flanker 2 days.

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Flaming Cliffs 3 is the gift that keeps on giving. While I enjoy the clickable cockpits, my real gripe with the LOMAC/Flaming Cliffs series has always been the horrible flight models. The beautiful graphics were always betrayed by the way the aircraft flew in a dogfight or even during takeoffs and landings. As each FC3 aircraft has received an update to a professional flight model equal to the best of the DCS modules, it is like getting a $50 aircraft for free. I am really looking forward to the Su-33. The F-15C and Su-27S are fun, but flying the Su-33 from aircraft carriers will be a great place holder until the F/A-18C and/or F-14A become available. It will be fun to look for differences between the Su-27 and Su-33.

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Taking off and landing on a carrier with the Su-33 is everything I hoped it would be. The flight model feels right. The animations look great. My only complaint is the naked carrier deck. I can takeoff fly an oval and land over and over using Oculus Rift. What a great experience. It does take a long time to refuel, though. I can see the fuel gauge creeping up while I wait. Taking off with a full load of gas and air-to-air missiles is moderately challenging. I need a long take-off roll before hitting the ramp and still come pretty close to the water before the speed comes up enough to raise the flaps.

I would rather be landing an F-4B on a Vietnam era carrier (which I can do in FSX), but this looks good, feels good, and is so much fun, too. I can't wait to see how the F/A-18C and F-14A turn out with their carriers.

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