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Locating a 3d part into the skin?

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Is there any way to learn where belongs a 3d part in the skin parts? I have a model with several antennas, I painted the skin without problem, but I cannot find where those antennas are, so I cannot paint them. Any idea? They are not fake pilot parts I think cause I can select them into Mue Lod viewer.

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does not the lod viewer have a way to show them on the map I recall something but I'm not sure

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yes in particular highlight the part in question, it will show the mesh name in the list on the left,  or there is a menu option to show where a highlighted mesh is on the particular jpg (or bmp or dds) that you need,


mue's LOD viewer is likley one of the most important files released on this site for the modders

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highlight the offending part, then right click on it


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Seems those antennas are not part of the skin. Thanks for the tip, will be useful for other planes.

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if we knew what plane, maybe it can be figured out by the more inventive among us ( :biggrin: )


EVERYTHING (well, usually on 3W stuff) is covered by something on the mapped textures

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Is the S3B, the Viking, and I'm using the great FoxMonter template.

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if you're talking about the various blade antennas, No, they are NOT mapped to anything.


The green color of the mesh/nodes indicates that they are not. (also, the right click, "show nodes on texture" is greyed out)


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Yes, those are the "offending" parts lol

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