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Is there something in the air?

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This is a very, very sad situation :cry: .... Listen up peeps, these are computer games we are talkin about here. Yes, I am, a simgeek :D , but there is a point when u gotta lay down the gunz and say, "You know what, I'm gonna go out and have me a burger at the nearest bar, and watch some Unknown game, of some Unknown sport". But then again, this is also kinda funny, this is just the way I see things. If it ever gets to a point where I start actin outta line, or get my feelings hurt over some forums' posting, I hear now give "You" my fellow flight simmers the right, (and left) to "Slap me silly". Seriously though, (No hard feelings to the others in the other forums), lets have some fun. OK, I've picked up my gunz again, im ready for some All Out War, USAF stlye, gunz only, setts are 140%, no tutus, no hacks, and oh wait, _/ one for me _/ and one for you. Cya guys, <<S>>.


P.S. Once again, these are my feelings on the whole situation.

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People do seem to be getting grumpy lately, not sure if it's just the general lack of new sims to play with or people just gettin' antsy for Strke Fighters.LOMAC/CFS3/etc. But I have noticed the level of flaming and bickering has risen in the last 4-6 months.


My goal here is to keep things as informal and friendly as possible. My philosophy here is that while I will not rule the forums with an iron fist, I will not allow things to get out of hand either. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and there will always be disagreements, but I will not allow open hostility/flaming to go on here. After all, it's just a game folks, and there are MANY more important things in our lives than what sim is best. :lol:

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You're right Jeff and I think one of the biggest problems is their "current Events" forums. The old saying goes if you want to keep friends you don't loan them money or talk Politics and religion..these forums mix both and that causes major flame wars.


Just MHO! 8)

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Injun, Jeff,


I agree with that the Sim Community Forums have been in morale decline here in the past months. It's funny that MadJeff created this site just as I was getting fed up with some of the others. Me myself I'm not really a political view point person, so you won't see those types of post from yours truly.


My common bond to the community is that I am a Flight Simmer, I love aviation and I like to converse with people whom happen to share the same hobby.


Simply respect, and respond to others in the way you like to be treated and you will never have a problem. So far this group here is doing just fine. "Man I love you guys :lol: )


see ya all around


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You're right Jeff and I think one of the biggest problems is their "current Events" forums. The old saying goes if you want to keep friends you don't loan them money or talk  Politics and religion..these forums mix both and that causes major flame wars.

Yeah, there are two topics I tend to not discuss on forums, politics & religion. You are never going to change someone's position on either on a forum, so why try? It's like putting a loaded gun on the floor of a busy preschool, it's inevitable that someone's gonna get hurt... :(


Besides, I get serious all day at work, why would I want to come home and get more drama? :lol:

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Injun, Jeff,


     I agree with that the Sim Community Forums have been in morale decline here in the past months. It's funny that MadJeff created this site just as I was getting fed up with some of the others. Me myself I'm not really a political view point person, so you won't see those types of post from yours truly.

It was all a major conspiracy I tells ya! I've been secretly sowing the seeds of discontent on other forums, stirring the pot, manipulating things from the background... :twisted:


Actually, it's funny how things work out sometimes. And I do believe things will mellow out in a few months, it's just the nature of the net sometimes. You used to see the same type of ups and downs on BBS's years ago. Damn, I just dated myself.... :lol:


Simply respect, and respond to others in the way you like to be treated and you will never have a problem. So far this group here is doing just fine. "Man I love you guys :lol: )

Perfectly stated, that one's going in the "forum rules". Well, maybe not the love part... :P

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