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This is a set of Camouflages for Mirage Factory Mig-29A and C. Firstest in Ukraine ever and lastest but not least.


At the beginning of 1991 it became clear that Soviet Russia would not be able to retain Ukraine under the occupation more. The grip of the communist beast has dramatically weakened.

Patriotic-minded technician crews began to paint over the red stars with a green colour and atop of it the blue Ukrainian Shield with Trident.  First MiGs which changed the aggressor's stars to Ukrainian marks was at Crimea Belbek. It was yellow trident in a blue circle and  blue circles and a big yellow dot in it at wings.

August 24, 1991 was proclaimed the independence of Ukraine. Soon, officially, new insignia, a square shield with a trident and yellow circles with blue big dot in them were approved. All MiGs  got new identification marks and shields for the tails. Soon they got new camouflages and was recolored in gray-blue scheme and gray-grean Ukrainian scheme.


In 2011,  MiG-29Cs were upgraded to the MU1 version. The main task of the upgrade was giving the aircraft ability to load and use Kh-29 missile. MiG-29MU1s  got new avionics, new weapons and new Digital Camouflage. At 2012 the Ukrainian air force received this aircrafts.


1. Unpack files to your mod folder as you do usual with mods. You need installed Mirage Factory Fulcrums. CHECK YOUR FOLDERS! It can be different then mine.

I done skin with "official" tail Shield for MiG-29A and  with "non ufficial" rounded shield for MiG-29C to both aircraft appear in game with different shields, cuz in real, some times both variants was at Ukrainian Sky.

2. You need to correct start year in your NATIONS.INI if you have it in mod folder:
DisplayName=Ukrainian Air Force

3. Add in your MiG-29A_USERLIST.INI if you have n't it yet


and in your MiG-29C_USERLIST.INI


In reality, more common aircraft for Ukrainian Air forces is MiG-29C type 9-13 (Hunchbacked). MiG-29A type 9-12 is very rare. If you fly Baltica's "Orange Revolution 2004" i recommend to change some MiG-29As to C in his company files.

White numbers of Digital Camo is not correct to real aircrafts. Must be white numbers and blue outline and white numbers and yellow outline. If you have anough health to outline all needed decals do not stop youself. I haven't. Please  make this work if you want and share it. You can fix skins, improve, redraw and use in your packs.

Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski (http://www.mariwoj.pl/) and real photos on a MiG-29 Template from CombatACE site.

Mig29 Templates
By Sundowner (approved by SayWhatt, March 9, 2009)

NATO Fighters 4+
By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016)

Best regards, bazillius


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      -Sundowner, for the MiG-29 templates he made available.
      -yakarov79, for his reworked F-22 3d model and relative templates.

      This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages.
      This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
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      What if:   Aircraft Carrier "Varyag" ex Kremlin Class
      This mod is made for SF2.
      I. History
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      In this mod the fiction is, that the Ukraine finished the carrier and used it under the name "Varyag" (Varangian) as flagship of their Navy. The difference between Varyag and Kuznetov mod is that the ukrainian ship has no ship to ship missiles.
      Remark to the name : Google translator gave me the translation "Варязький". Wikipedia say "Варяг" is correct. I'm not sure about it. Thatswhy i include both version. As standard i use "Варяг". Name files for "Варязький" you find in a subfolder under decals/Varyag/Varyaskij. If you want to use this name version, copy the files from Varyaskij folder to Varyag folder and let overwrite the existing one.
      I'm not sure wheter "Варязький" is written correctly. Perhaps it must be "Варязькиi". If someone know, send me a PM.
      This is a mod of the ship "Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov", made by rokieborhgunder, which you find here:
      -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      The Kuznetsov and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      March 2023
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      I. History
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      Remark to the name : Google translator gave me the translation "Варязький". Wikipedia say "Варяг" is correct. I'm not sure about it. Thatswhy i include both version. As standard i use "Варяг". Name files for "Варязький" you find in a subfolder under decals/Varyag/Varyaskij. If you want to use this name version, copy the files from Varyaskij folder to Varyag folder and let overwrite the existing one.
      I'm not sure wheter "Варязький" is written correctly. Perhaps it must be "Варязькиi". If someone know, send me a PM.
      This is a mod of the ship "Admiral Flota Sovetskogo Soyuza Kuznetsov", made by rokieborhgunder, which you find here:
      -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
      The Kuznetsov and all other files are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED!


      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      March 2023
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      -Unzip into your SF2 mod folder

      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.


      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      February 2023
      Submitter Gepard Submitted 02/18/2023 Category Ground Object Mods  

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