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Avid Sim Player

EAW 1.60 Barebones Control Issues

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Running 1.60 on Win 10.

I have installed EAW 1.60 Bare Bones and it has the same control issues that I've had with the other 1.60 iterations.

The game does not recognize any joystick except for an all in one such as Thrustmaster 16000m . Even CH combo as one device under one controller recognized by Windows in the setup screen - joystick, throttle and rudder are grayed out.

The only solution thus far was the TM 16000m  which worked in the game but conversely yet the keyboard was unresponsive.

Would appreciate some input (pun not intended) on this one.



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Did you look in your EAW.INI file and scroll w

down to where it says windows joystick =1 and make sure it says =1 And also make sure windows is set to use the stick..to use the stick


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I'm lost there..I did at one time try to use a keypad and stick in EAW but that resulted in nothing working..Even now have the keypad plugged into a usb hub with switches and shutting it off still stops my stick I have to unplug it..Hopefully someone with the same stick can help or Mark EAW might know something..Good luck

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