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VFA-146 "Blue Diamonds" CAG 2009
Bo_Nidle, in Digital Combat Simulator Series File Announcements
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By DinoGarner
Hello, Folks!
My upcoming coffee-table book is TOPGUN: The Otherworldly Dreams of a Lifelong Ten Year Old. It features breathtaking images from my flights at TOPGUN, plus units of the Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard. Our colleague, Navy Captain “Heater” Heatley, said, “Pretty cool graphics and layout. Nice pics!” I’d like you and your colleagues and beyond to review an unfinished, first-draft copy my book, fall in love with it, and write testimonials/blurbs, please. The book will be published in early 2023, so you have some time to say yes. I’m also offering all the beautiful aviation images that appear in the book free of charge to air and space museums worldwide in perpetuity. My small way of giving back for inspiration over my lifetime. First, I’m Dino Garner, former scientist, Army Ranger, corporate merc, military aviation photographer, NY Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many cool books. Back in the day, I was the only independent civilian photographer to fly in all frontline fighters and attack aircraft of the US Air Force, Navy and Marines, plus helos of the Coast Guard. Had to quit that fun to report for duty as a US Army Airborne Ranger. Modesty aside, I took some stunning images that were on the covers and interiors of Smithsonian Air&Space, Newsweek, Time, US News and World Report, and in dozens of books, newspapers, articles, etc. The final book will be a 550-page coffee-table book that features my military aviation images, plus chapters by prominent people: Foreword by aviation neuropsychologist Dr. David Prewett, “Zatar” by Lt Gen Dave Deptula, Boyword by a 10-year-old boy/student pilot, and Afterword by Dave Senior’s son, Lt Col “Ghost” Deptula. There will also be a special dedication to "Heater" Heatley. This is also unique: I added dozens of candid pix of my fighter pilots and support personnel in scrapbook fashion and added some cool graphics that look like advertisements for the US military fighter aviation. I have spared no expense in the production of this book: it will be printed by the best offset-printing company of high-end books, in South Korea. Heavy, matte art paper interior; cloth hardcover with an added French-fold cover. A draft of the full cover is below. Dimensions: 8.5”H x 11”W x 2.5”D. If you’d like to see the entire book, I can email you a Dropbox link to download the full-color pdf file to view on your computer. It’s too large to view directly on Dropbox. Many thanks for listening. I hope you’ll consider my proposal. Cheers, Dino “Wang” Garner
Speaking to Breaking Defense, Ali Al Hashim, a Kuwait-based defense analyst has said that the US Marine Corps (USMC) is interested in taking over kuwaiti F/A-18s when they are retired from service (the country is currently fielding 27 legacy F-18 Hornets, plus six F-18D trainers).
Malaysia and Tunisia are said to be interested in acquiring those legacy Hornets, however, the USMC will have priority as approval is required from the US government before Kuwait can sell the jets to other nations.
“Kuwait cannot sell the legacy Hornets to another country without the prior approval of the US Navy,” said Hashim. “There are reports that the US Marines command appears to be interested in acquiring the Kuwait fleet of Hornets, and negotiations were underway between the two sides.”
According to Alert5, the USMC is planning to retire its F/A-18s in 2030 and has given its existing F/A-18 fleet some upgrades such as a new AN/APG-79(v)4 radar and ejection seats.
The Kuwait Air Force received the first two of 28 Typhoon jet fighters being built by Leonardo were last December, while the 28 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet block 3 were reportedly delivered last September by Boeing to the US Navy. Kuwaiti pilots training on the Typhoons will start flying the fighters to Kuwait during this year and well into the next one.
Hashim explained that transferring the Super Hornets to Kuwait will take longer than planned due to the delayed infrastructure work at Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base because of the pandemic.
According to Abdullah Al Foudary, the former Kuwait Air Force commander, selecting the Super Hornet to replace the Hornets was a “natural and logical move.” Instead he said that the additional selection of the Typhoon came in line with a policy to “unify the platforms with other members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),” an alliance of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman.
"Saudi Arabia and Oman had procured the Eurofighter Typhoon and Qatar was considering it and recently proceeded with the purchase,” Al Foudary pointed out. “The idea here is that GCC air forces would be easily interoperable and will also be able to support one another with spare parts if they all purchased the same platforms.”
By dannavy85
USS Bon Homme Richard is on fire in San Diego after an explosion aboard. The LHD assault ship was in for maintenance when a "High Order Detonation" was reported inside the ship's dock bay and hanger. There was only a duty section of sailors aboard at the time. The fire is horrendous, made even worse by the fact that the ship is fully exposed...hatches open, vents sailors on board to set Zebra or go to General Quarters. Fire scanner calls the ship "fully involved"
As of this moment, SDFD has ordered all assets to evacuate the pier next to the ship fearing further explosions.
Collection of Kuwaiti F/A-18 Hornet from my friend Q18pilot of the Kuwaiti Air Force.
This is the first photo for the Kuwaiti F/A-18 Super Hornet.