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 Hi,,Been through the knowledge base and I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. My goal is to have a full install of all the SF2 modules so I can add Korea ,,ODS,,,Russian Air War and possibly the PTO to that I believe a merged install is needed for it and I'd like to mod up the Vietnam part with just mods for it,,,,I could use some guidance on whether I can set up a totally  Stand alone Vietnam install..For the air/ground expansion..VPAF mod..and a few other things I've seen here,,,Thank you for any help It's appreciated

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You can indeed.....you make a new exe of say Vietnam.exe......rename it then make shortcut...run it and use the game folders it makes to use as your modded install..deleting and replacing what you need....if you download a total mod...they usually tell you which files to delete...

for instance....ww2 install...all the planes go,weapons,pilots etc....if you have the era correct ones that is...

im sure most conversions tell you what you dont need...etc

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Thank you russouK..Did a copy of Strike Figters2 Vietnam and just renamed it Vietnam at first it wouldn't fly until I copied the config file also..Now in my saved games\Third Wire\I have a Strike fighters 2 Vietnam  and a Vietnam folder .But what I wanted to achieve was a Vietnam setup that only showed Vietnam Campaigns and planes ..But perhaps when I throw something in like the air ground war expansion that will happen,,Thank You

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