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Damn glad to see folks keeping this thread alive.  I want to augment some "First Eagles" programs with additional items, but unsure how to do so.

Contact with original content providers, as well as some guidance would be much appreciated!

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FE2 is still alive and well - more obscure than RoF and WoFF - although that may be a good thing. :smile:

Let us know what kind of "augmentation" you are interested in - and perhaps some of the FE2 specialists will pitch in with good info.

If interested in FM modifications/integrations of (and into) FE2 - suggested is to begin with this post, in particular the bottom link of that post that outlines what aircraft packages many of my FM tweaks correspond with.

For terrain editing, placement of targets, modification and/or installation of airfield objects, and other misc. objects, I would recommend contacting Stephen1918 (he has developed many excellent aircraft models for FE2, as well as several, important airfield objects). Geezer is also an encyclopedia of FE2-related knowledge (terrain/airfield and aircraft modding and development) - but I don't think that he mods anymore for FE2 (or at least hasn't posted here in a couple of years).

Cheers to you & good flying in the FE2 skies.

Edited by VonS
Fixed link.
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