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USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). Where is it?

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I'm trying to find out where the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) is hiding in the users/saved games/etc/etc/North Atlantic/Objects/Ground objects folder.  I can only find the CVA-63 and the CVN-68.

I'd just like to adjust Cat one so it doesn't hurl me out at 195 Kts on the way to the moon. I like around 4.0 units for comfort. I've got the CVA-63 and CVN-68 adjusted, but I can't find "The Ike".

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I don't think that carrier is in the SF2. I never saw its name , trimming the game's file.

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1 hour ago, alexis99 said:

I'm trying to find out where the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) is hiding in the users/saved games/etc/etc/North Atlantic/Objects/Ground objects folder.  I can only find the CVA-63 and the CVN-68.

You already have it, It's the CVN-68. SF2NA does not provide separate carrier 3d models if they are part of the same class. The CVN-68 is the first of a series of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. Inside the CVN-68_names.ini you'll find all other ships of the same class being named. Decals are dynamic according to ship numbers.

Edited by Menrva
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Yeah, I forgot about the SF2 system. If you have a ship here , there is a name.ini file which can be filled with names for the same type/design of warship and it will be distributed along the game randomly. This is from Kiev_names_data.ini that I have in my groundobject folder:





So, in game randomly, three Soviet carriers, could appear on your ground radar (pressing E key) display , but they look identical, just the decals and names are different.

Edited by UllyB

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Golly gosh, I've already adjusted the CVN-68. Maybe I adjusted the wrong cat. I thought I was always on Cat 1, starboard forward. Must re-check now. Thanks guys.

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