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I was doing some trimming in weapons folder and I ran into an issue (see the picture). I have a 3D model call and name in data ini , but the LOD viewer says it won't find a model, though it's line in ini file is correctlty written. Funny thing is that in game it appears, I checked. If the game loads the LOD and you see it, on plane's wing, it should be seen in LOD viwer as well, right ? I'm puzzled , what do I miss ? Thank you.


Edited by UllyB

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i´m not sure if that was one made by me ( Beta ) if so i´m sorry

here are the new ones , hope they are complete

LAU-10C pods.7z

delete all existing LAU-10C before installing this new ones 



Edited by ravenclaw_007
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you have to open lod file for a weapon not ini in lodviewer.

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13 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

you have to open lod file for a weapon not ini in lodviewer.

I don't have the LOD, as you see in the picture, so I wrote it down in the ini to make it appear. It is already declared in data ini so it should have been appeared, but it doesn't , that is why I asked. When you have the LOD declared in the in i file and the lod exists, you see it in LOD viewer via ini file.

I checked with other stock weapons, and you can see the LOD in viewer if you write the LOD line in ini file (taken from the dataini LOD line), even if you don't have the LOD of the weapon in weapon's folder.

So, bottom line, if the LOD wouldn't exist (presuming you wrote down all the lines necessary in the respective files and the syntax is correct everywhere) and you can't see it in the viewer you shouldn't be able to see it in game, too, but I can see it. So I am puzzled why I can't see the LOD in the viewer ?

Edited by UllyB

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48 minutes ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

i´m not sure if that was one made by me ( Beta ) if so i´m sorry

here are the new ones , hope they are complete

LAU-10C pods.7z

delete all existing LAU-10C before installing this new ones 



ok , thanks.


I checked , these you sent have no issues on my end. That one I think it's a stock one, that is why in its folder it doesn't have th LOD, it is only declared in the file's dataini. As you know TK locked the stock LODs, weapons included.

Edited by UllyB

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LAU-10C is not stock , it was made by someone else than TW ( maybe me )

the only stock LAU-10 launcher is this one

FullName=LAU-10 Rocket Pod

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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I see... Do you have an explanation why I can see in game the pod but in LOD viewer not ? Could the LOD be shared by other weapon or something ? I ran out of ideas LOL

In your weapon folder do you have this rocket pod ? if you do does it look like mine ? Can you see the model in LOD viewer ? can you see it in game ?

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no idea , just delete the existing LAU-10C pods from your weapons folder and install the new ones that i posted above , that should solve your problem

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alright I'll see what I can do. Thanks for assist.

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