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Rick Rawlings

TrackIR Profiles

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Here's mine:

Right Here

I found it somewhere on one of these boards and then modified it, so I don't know who to give credit to, just not me!

Post'em if you got'em!

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I've got mine so that, when in centre view, the horizontal and vertical movements are locked just a tad so you're not wobbling about so much in order to help aiming. That's the theory anyway lol. In practice of course it's just blind panic and quite useless. You have to move your head just a little bit more than usual before you start to look around see. Anyway, it is what it is. Otherwise it's completely vanilla. 

What does yours do Rick? Does it stabilize the zoom somewhat as touched upon in the vid thread?


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I dunno. It's the one I use and some people commented that they liked it so I thought I would post it so they could give it a whirl! :drinks:

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Not meaning to derail this but,.... I have recently started to use a thingy called SmoothTrack, which is a phone app the uses the phone's camera with a freeware program called Opentrack (I think that can be used with Facetrack).  Anyhoo, I needed this because my home office has south facing windows that blind the TrackIR, which I have used for years, but can only use in hours of darkness.  It was only a $9.99 app so I gave it a try and am pretty pleased with it, though I a still tinkering with the settings, but at least now I fly during the day.


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