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My next book

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Here is the reason, why my new terrain projects have such a slow progress:


Release date End of April 2022

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4 hours ago, Stratos said:

German only?

Yes. Its only in german language. Perhaps the publishing house will find an english publisher, as they did it with my Mi-24 book.

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Nice! How did you get into writing? My background is History and economics as I have Masters in History. I wrote some world encyclopedia articles a while back and looking to get into writing. I prefer diplomatic history and military. If you have any ideas, I would like to hear them.

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I started writing during my studies at the University. There we had to write longer texts and i found out, that i liked it.

During this time i visited the ILA airshow in Berlin and i came in contact with some exhibitors. I asked them questions over questions and someone asked back, wheter i'm a journalist. I denied. But an idea was born. I wrote a short article about the modernisation of the MiG-23 and sent it to an Air Magazin. Then i forgot the whole thing. But some weeks later the Air Magazing answered and published my article. Others followed.

Then, some years later the german publishing house Motorbuchverlag Stuttgart started with a seria of small books called "Typenkompass". I liked this small dictionaries and so i wrote one about the combat aircrafts of the east german air force. Then i sent it to Stuttgart, with no much hope. But i was lucky, the lector who was responsible for aviation, read an article of me in the Air Magazin Fliegerrevue, when he got my proposal for a manuscript. So my name was not new for him and he saw my style to write. And he liked what he saw.

The publishing house was interessted in this book and it was printed and published. Some books later the lector asked me, wheter i would  like to write bigger books.

And here we are!


My ideas for you are:

-start small. Write articles or small books in the way you want to read them. And send them to publishing houses.

- Then pray and hope.

But to be honest even if you has already a name in the branche, like me, you will have no certainty that the article or book will be published. I have written a lot of articles and some books which ended in the waste paper bin. Shit happens. It it happens more often that when you have success.

- Never make the mistake of "self publishing"! There are publishing houses who offers "self publishing". What means you have to pay for that they print the book. They make no attempt to sell your book, this is your job. And selling a book is a very hard job. I dont know how it is in the country frome where you are, but in Germany "self publishers" are seen as "losers". No real publishing house will touch anything of them. Self publishing is like burn yourself.

Edited by Gepard
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