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A ground target data that is engaged by helo gunners.

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I don't want to steal the Rio de la Plata terrain post, so I will post this as a new threat.

I asked permission to the new YAP manager in order to post this here, and got it, so everything is clear and approved. I attached the data of their "Target aircraft", is a "plane" that is on the ground and that is attacked by helo gunners. It works, as I tried in my own missions. Maybe someone here can find it interesting and maybe even improved.

Thanks to the members of YAP Revamp Works Project by allowing me to post this on CA.


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Well, to be honest I don't see anything special about it or in its data. It's no wonder gunners would target it simply because it's an aircraft, not a ground object. We know this since ages; it is possible to create a standalone parked aircraft from any aircraft object (done already by comrpnt, like his Static SFP1 Stock Aircraft Pack, Static WOV Stock Aircraft Pack and Static WOE Stock Aircraft Pack), and then manually add them to airbases by editing mission files. It's just a mere workaround that would only work with aircraft.

The title of the topic is misleading, we're talking about aircraft objects really, not proper ground object entities.

Edited by Menrva

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2 minutes ago, Menrva said:

The title of the topic is misleading, we're talking about aircraft objects really, not proper ground object entities.

Is a ground target, not a flying object, and is engaged by the gunners.

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1 minute ago, Stratos said:

Is a ground target, not a flying object, and is engaged by the gunners.

It's not game engine wise, but you're entitled to believe what you want. I already explained above why. If you want to have a parked aircraft be attacked by gunners, it works, but it's just a workaround that applies to Aircraft objects, not GroundObject ones. I won't repeat myself a third time.

Edited by Menrva

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Just now, Menrva said:

It's not game engine wise, but you're entitled to believe what you want.

It does matter If it resides in aircraft folder once you're flying over it and being engaged by your gunners? 

You're also entitled to believe what you want, but that does not allow you to make negative comments, If you don't want to add something positive, move on. Thanks!

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I fail to see where I've been negative. Actually, I wanted to add something positive, that is, more correct information instead of such a misleading topic title. It's okay, next time I'll simply shut up.

Edited by Menrva
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My 2 cents. The idea to use a "nonflyable" aircraft as target for the AI gunners of combat helicopters or planes is worth to think about it. For scenarios, wher only one side has planes, like Afghanistan, i see no problems. But i fear, that if both sides have planes, the AI could use the "nonflyable" planes/groundtargets like real planes, what could cause troubles, so that the targets of a mission could not reached.

The idea needs some tests. Perhaps the result is good.

Edited by Gepard
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Yeah, I think it has more interestin in COIN scenarios like Vietnam, Afghanistan for Soviets and americans, or central american style ops.

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