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B-17G with functional nose turret
ariel38, in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
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By ariel38
I have worked on Veltro2K's excellent B-17G so that its nose turret can move and fire. I hope you like it.
Backup yuor data ini and drop this file in the aircraft folder.
Thanks to Wrech , and credits to
Veltro2K for the aircraft
gregoryp for the AvHistory engine sound
Kesselbrut for the cockpit
Flogger23 for the natural metal skin
wrench ini working, and OD skin, decals and screens and whatnots; including hundreds of hours of research
Others I'm sure I'm forgetting....Like say in the file.
By anunk47
As a Military and Anime otaku, I'm so glad to find and watch such an artwork as Matsumoto Sensei's "The Cockpit" OVA. the Stories, the arts, are really deep and great IMHO, (and weeb like me, surely can't take my eyes of Leiji's Girls.. ).
In this mod, I'm Using @Wrench ETO B-17G, @Veltro2k Skin Templates and @torno Fw-190D as stand In for Ta-152H1. (even in the OVA depicted as such, but the silhouette are Ta-152C). I'm so Thankful for your works, Sirs!
This is my first thread in this forums, English are not my daily language, and I do really hope doesn't break any rules here. Thanks Very Much!
(I am) "the man who did not sell his soul to the devil" - Hauptmann Erhardt Von Rheindars
By RustyKurnass
View File SF2_IDF_V2K_B-17s
= Tested in Full-5 Merged installation
This project started as a personal customization to have the Israeli skins for Veltro 2K B-17F/G.
In 1948 the IDF/AF found four B-17G in a dump in Florida and bought them.The planes were in very poor conditions, stripped of the turrets and instruments.Three were made airworty and flew via Azores to Czechoslovakia, there received additional and better instruments ( some war-time Luftwaffe gunsights,ecc...) and loaded with bomb.On their way to Israel, one bombed Cairo and the other two Egyptian positions in Sinai.
The fate of the fourth bomber was less succesful, because the raids of the first three on Egypt prompted a FBI investigation and , cut a long story short, the plane was seized by authority in the Azores, as the crew involved choose to rest after the trip instead of refuel the bird and take off as soon possible.
The bombers were assigned to the 69 Squadron The Hammers at Hatzor and given serial number 1601,1602 and 1603, and by the end of the War of Indepenence the B-17s had flown over 200 missions.
At the time of the Suez crisis the Fortresses were out of service but two were brought back in action with changed two-digit serial numbers and incomplete camouflage ( only brown instead of the standard brown-blue over silk grey).
During their operational use the planes were painted in different way, comprised NMF and with various artwork applied, but this wasn't my focus.
To Install:
As always raccomended,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
Veltro 2K for the models
Me for the decals and the skins
Know issue:
This modest pack contain both the F and G model despite Israel bought only G model. My choice was dictated by the fact that during the War of Independence the planes were armed only woth the waist and tail guns in a indigenous modification, the rear bulkhead of the tail position conmpletely removed and equipped with twin .03 inch machineguns. For these reason I opted for the B-17F in my mod
By the time of the Suez action ( in reality even before) the complete armament was restored, here my choice for the B-17G.
In 1956 the s/N 23 had the chin turret replaced by a search radar for maritime patrol, but I'm absolutely unable to modify the models as I'm not a modder, so you will be fly with the gun turret in his place.
I choose to add the fourth plane ,just to have one more, despite never arrived in Israel.
Schiffer Military Book, "Hammers, Israel's Long-range Heavy Bomber Arm: The Story of 69 Squadron", Shlomo Aloni & Zvi Avidror
SAM Publication, Camouflage & Markings No.3 The Israeli Air Force Part One 1948 to 1967, Ray Ball
Isradecal decals sheet
The net
Legal note:
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.
Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio
Submitter RustyKurnass Submitted 02/11/2022 Category B-17
By RustyKurnass
= Tested in Full-5 Merged installation
This project started as a personal customization to have the Israeli skins for Veltro 2K B-17F/G.
In 1948 the IDF/AF found four B-17G in a dump in Florida and bought them.The planes were in very poor conditions, stripped of the turrets and instruments.Three were made airworty and flew via Azores to Czechoslovakia, there received additional and better instruments ( some war-time Luftwaffe gunsights,ecc...) and loaded with bomb.On their way to Israel, one bombed Cairo and the other two Egyptian positions in Sinai.
The fate of the fourth bomber was less succesful, because the raids of the first three on Egypt prompted a FBI investigation and , cut a long story short, the plane was seized by authority in the Azores, as the crew involved choose to rest after the trip instead of refuel the bird and take off as soon possible.
The bombers were assigned to the 69 Squadron The Hammers at Hatzor and given serial number 1601,1602 and 1603, and by the end of the War of Indepenence the B-17s had flown over 200 missions.
At the time of the Suez crisis the Fortresses were out of service but two were brought back in action with changed two-digit serial numbers and incomplete camouflage ( only brown instead of the standard brown-blue over silk grey).
During their operational use the planes were painted in different way, comprised NMF and with various artwork applied, but this wasn't my focus.
To Install:
As always raccomended,all in the relative folders in your game(s)
Veltro 2K for the models
Me for the decals and the skins
Know issue:
This modest pack contain both the F and G model despite Israel bought only G model. My choice was dictated by the fact that during the War of Independence the planes were armed only woth the waist and tail guns in a indigenous modification, the rear bulkhead of the tail position conmpletely removed and equipped with twin .03 inch machineguns. For these reason I opted for the B-17F in my mod
By the time of the Suez action ( in reality even before) the complete armament was restored, here my choice for the B-17G.
In 1956 the s/N 23 had the chin turret replaced by a search radar for maritime patrol, but I'm absolutely unable to modify the models as I'm not a modder, so you will be fly with the gun turret in his place.
I choose to add the fourth plane ,just to have one more, despite never arrived in Israel.
Schiffer Military Book, "Hammers, Israel's Long-range Heavy Bomber Arm: The Story of 69 Squadron", Shlomo Aloni & Zvi Avidror
SAM Publication, Camouflage & Markings No.3 The Israeli Air Force Part One 1948 to 1967, Ray Ball
Isradecal decals sheet
The net
Legal note:
This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition.
Gianni "RustyKurnass" Coniglio