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anunk47 last won the day on September 18 2024

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About anunk47

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    Female 2D, 2.5D, 3D

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  1. U.S. ARMY OH-13 Sioux, 9th Cav Regt. 1st Squadron, South Vietnam1966
  2. A-6C Intruder 

  3. RF-8A/G Vietnam Era.

    Thanks for this cool flying CCTV. "Alone - Unarmed - Unafraid"
  4. Thanks, now give us the "C' with TRIM-POD now! Lovely flying tadpoles you and the team has made, Brother! Thanks
  5. "He Ain't heavy, he's my Chopper.." Converted from SA-330J "Bundesgrenzschutz"
  6. Fly single mission, and edit using mission editor (Right bottom corner, pencil image). you can set up any aircraft type and size, mission of each type squadron, set up ground forces etc.
  7. I see.. It's not a low spec, it should be fine, almost same as my lenovo pad. Here's what I've ever encounter.. Game stuttering during game, even freeze or back to windows. - Set graphic option to Medium.. increase to High one by one and test 'em (Detail, Shadow, Effect, view distance terrains, horizon etc) - Lowering the bitmap image for the aircraft.. (base TW/SF are 512 x512, but some moder has skins up to 2048 x 2048 or even 4096 x 4096) - Number of Aircrafts flying during mission, more numbers of squadrons that fly at same time, are consuming more PC resources too. -There's many more factor too, incompatibility between SF1/WOX to SF2 or vice versa -Some Mod need specific requirement of the game, (In SF2, some aircraft need basic SF2 Only, SF2 Israel, SF2 Europe, SF2 Vietnam, SF2 N.A or even all merged with latest patch) -Additional Terrain Mod, Effect, Environment also contributing with these problems, so there's so many factor and many solution too.
  8. "Sunset Rider" Model: Modified from free non-commercial use.
  9. Ah.. Glorious EURO football time are begin.. that makes some Eastern Asians working late.. Add to Mr. Gepard Tips.. hope this chart help you... so the Brits (or American European Soccer enthusiast) don't misjudged the limit..
  10. Unless you tell us your Hardware spec and what kind of Lag you have.. we have 0 grams of solution, my friend..
  11. The models are not mine, and I have no permission to distribute them. (Model Sauces: Converted from Devianart and free3d sites, free personal use/student). But I learn a lot, understanding how models and data.ini works.. and you gave us a nice "Playground" to implementing them.. Thanks again for the Moon, Mr. Menrva!

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