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WOTR Update 1.04 problem

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I downloaded the update 1.04 this morning and tried to install it but got an error message:-

C:\OBDSoftware\WOTR\OBDWW2\Wings Over The Reich\WOTR.exe

An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:

Deletefile failed; code 5.

Access is denied.

Click retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.

Any ideas on how to fix please?


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Memory issues on my part. I forgot that in order to get a patch to work it should be unzipped to the OBDWW2 Wings Over The Reich directory and run from there. I was was trying to run it from the downloads directory. 

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Baxter, it does not need to be unpacked OBDWW2 Wings Over The Reich folder, and in fact you shouldn't put extra files there generally.

Sounds like some issue with the permissions on your PC.  Maybe just unzip to a newly created folder somewhere first (on your desktop or wherever).


Also V1.04 also only works on BOF Expansion of course.  WOTR itself is on Version 1.25.

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