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am i really seeing that no one updated the TMF RF-4C from Gen 1 to Gen 2?

i know it features in some mega installs like NF5 and ODS30AE. but did no one ever update the main aircraft?

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Pretty sure I did......somewhere....:dntknw:

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appreciate the answer

the next question (semi specific to you) is is it out somewhere for public usage

i do know there isnt a 16th TRS "SW" skin out there to go with the 363rd's F-16As.   yet........

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I thought it was.....but even so I wont have done an SW coded bird......mainly old Vietnam era or AR coded for Alconbury.

I'll have a better look tomorrow, I might have something you can use......

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sounds good

on own system at the moment im using the version from ODS30AE and could conceivably proceed from there (i'm eyeing late service not Nam era)

i just couldnt believe the aircraft hasnt been updated as a solo project yet


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I'm working on the Gen1 RF-4C package. Redoing all the decals to those historically used by the various units in the original package.

RF-4C (SEA) (11th & 14th TRS)

RF-4C (mostly AF, AFRES, ANG)


RF-4C (Late - AF, ANG, etc)

the spanish one is done, the SEA one is done, the "early" and late are still in the works

I know Ant did the E and I think the IDF E's as well (have to check the downloads). I got the "as released" covered.

I can list all the units, if you want DA

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i've got serials roughly matched to 17 different skins at the moment, counting EDwards and HAFB as one skin and 16 other skins. ok, 32 if i do Euro 1 and Hill 2.

most immediately, im going to be working on teh 16th TRS as another mix wing package, with the 363rd TFW F-16s out of Shaw AFB. but im scrubbing serials for them right now, and have a fair amount of the 12th and 45th going as well (67th TRW, Bergstrom AFB)

my list, all using a presumed RF-4C late. in rough order of interest (ie ill fight ya for the top 3 :lol:) all Euro and Hill

16th TRS, 363rd TFW Shaw AFB SC (part of a wing pack)

12th, 45th, and 91st TRS, 67th TRW Bergstrom AFB (as one pack)

15th TRS, 18th Wing Kadena AB (probable stand alone)

Nevada ANG, Kentucky ANG, Nebraska ANG, Alabama (160th) (strongly interested)

Alabama (106th) Minnesota, Missisppi, Idaho (not as interested)


test schemes (ok this'll get slipped in with one of the other s)


nope not OCD at all :lol:



edit: not really interested in the older ones (Vietnam through 1981 ish).

Edited by daddyairplanes
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Yah, I"m just (re) doing the original skins, from back when. Of course, also redoing all the ini, data (FM) avionics, weapons -- bring them all the SF2 level.

RF-4C SEA Vietnam

11th (64-70) & 14th (<1970) TRS in SEA (OO & OZ codes),

"generic' RF-4c

1st TRS, 10th TWR RAF Alconbury (<1966) (sea 3 tone)

38th TRS,26th TRW (Euro 1,<1973) (Zweibruken)

153rd TRS, MS ANG (<1979) (in 3 tone SEA)

192nd TRS,152nd TRG NV ANG (<1975) (tps 2-tone gray)

RF-4C Late (<1988) all 2-tone tactical grey

192nd TRS,152nd TRG NVANG (<1988

196th TRS, CaANG (90-93)

106th TRS 117th TRW, AFRES (<91)

38th TRS, 26th TRW (73-91)

RF-4C, Spain

Ala12, Esc 123 (Lo-Vis) (78-05)

of course, the skin date switch is active on pretty much all of them. Each, excpeting Spain, has historical serials (prolly more than was in house at any given time, but I'm OCD on even numbers!!!)

now, if someone could tell me WHY the photo-flash flares don't work .......

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what i'm surprised, is, nobody has built the Navy/Marines RF-4B. I've never found one!!

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oh yes they did do a photo B, its in the Vietnam Air and Ground expansion Pack (second version i think). uses the RF-4C lod

curious what defines "RF-4C Late" besides 88

if its mainly slime lights, im seeing those at least as early as 84 (havent saved many pics today from before then). so what else makes it "late"

Edited by daddyairplanes

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all the skins have slimers, even the early ones (VN) that start in 64 (which probably ain't right, but I'm not messing with Ant's skins)

the "Late" version, runs from 88-94. looking at the data ini, it seems mostly avioncis and countermeasures. Odd, these don't have self defense Sidewinders, but the Spanish one does (78-05 service)

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Check pm's guys.

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only a few were wired in USAF service right towards the end. the spanish wouldnt be wired until around 1990 or so, and i imagine they got abunch of the ones that were wired, and did the rest up.

as for slimers


if only there were a method to remove parts from a model :lol:



at this rate do we need to move this over to Coyote Aerospace?  by my math were looking three, possibly four aircraft and many many skins

edit : disregard all above pic after checking PMs.  its what i get for typing slow :lol:


Edited by daddyairplanes
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