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nations/squadron markings for skins

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how are yall adding custom nations and/or squadron markings?


im making some skins from AC:Z and i kinda need to add nations for, well nations. and also squadron markings too (tail numbers included btw)


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I don't know what Cat file the Nations.ini is in, but if you do a massive dump with the CAT Extractor you can get a virgin copy of it, and by following the same format you can add other nations (and new ones) to that file. Then you put it in the Flight folder in your mod folder, and the nations would appear.

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similar to what he said about nations also applies to squadrons, and the SQUADRONLIST.INI. the one difference is that file goes in the PilotData folder, not the Flight folder (no i dont know why the difference)

and the rest,  is upto to you and the image editor of your choice:biggrin:

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While reinventing the wheel is a nice modding exercise for those who don't know how to add nations yet, I'd rather suggest downloading this package of mine which includes all Ace Combat nations with known insignia. I created it exactly for those users and modders who wanted all such insignia from the Ace Combat universe, ready for use. It also offers a good example on how to add nations in general, anyway.

Beware, the above mod removes all stock nations, so it only offers those of Ace Combat.

With it, the only task for skinners is to add decals properly like it is done for the stock aircraft of Strike Fighters 2 (for references, one should unpack the decals.ini file of stock aircraft skins).

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