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North Vietnam aces for campaigns

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Does anyone know how to get the north Vietnamese ace or pilots name to show up I understand that the ace could fly a MIG-17 but the pilot name shows as well 

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In single missions it is impossible, AFAIK. But in campaigns it is possible.

In the dat.ini of the campaign you can set: AllowRandomAceCreation=TRUE

So the game engine creates aces. But their names are random generated and have nothing to do with historical accuracy.

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It is fairly easy to introduce named aces into campaigns. For example, in the 1941 Operation Crusader campaign on the WW2 North Africa terrain, if you open the 1941_Crusader_Data.INI you will see the following text at the end of the entry for 33 Sqn RAF:
KnownAce[01].FirstName=Marmaduke "Pat"
KnownAce[02].FirstName=William "Cherry"


You can add as many or as few aces as you like to your campaign squadrons, and they will show up in campaign missions. Don't know if it can be done for single missions, though.



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