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Everything posted by Erik

  1. No issues as far as I'm concerned. Valid question, valid responses. #teamCA for the win. :)
  2. Also hosted by CombatACE, speaking of which wonder how he's been? hmmm Not hacked, no worries, carry on.
  3. That's kinda funny I think. All those files in that link are from right here at CA. When you mouse over the links they all point to combatace.com/files/ I guess that's a good thing. We're like tumbleweeds, we're everywhere, look there goes one now. I'm kinda wondering when the OP will notice I donated a subscription on all your behalf to him? Anyone want to start a book and take bets? Just me E
  4. Another thing to mention is I hope you guys know "we" as in CombatACE host all those other sites meaning they are on our equipment, we pay the bill. So downloading from them is the same as downloading from us it's all part of our bandwidth. Nobody has interfered with those downloads as that was never the intent of the site. However, as their sites continue to get older and older the source code they operated on will become obsolete which is why everything was moved here and, like was mentioned above, to preserve them for history and nostalgia sake. We are more than we appear always have been but are very glad to be a part of it all.
  5. Yes that's been our standard since 2010 - 11'ish. It's the only way we could/can keep the doors open after 5,712,487 downloads. Talk about tooting one's own horn (sounds not included). That was added to a post in September 2012 to clear up some already in place download limits. http://combatace.com/topic/74864-downloading-from-combatace/ There were a few reasons for the implementation but the bottom line was budget. At the time it was costing us twice what we were making in income to sustain the masses and in any circumstance that would quickly end in disaster. These days we are 80 - 85% sponsored by our downloads and by publishing ads for Google. They each play about a 50% part in the money they add to our bottom line. Without them we'd be just another closed sign at the end of a web address.
  6. I've been installing new software behind the scenes. I'm basically creating a duplicate site to test with. On installing the new software I forgot to uncheck the setting for email. So that board was sending out email for about an hour until one of our members alerted me to the fact that it was sending email. Thank you B! I have disabled that feature so if you get an email and any of the links point to newsite.combatace.com please ignore it. It means nothing. I'll take an hour in the dunce chair for spamming those who got email. Sorry everyone. Erik
  7. Broncos vs Panthers 2016

    Got to put my money on Carolina today after their defeat of the Cardinals I think they're a strong choice. Looking forward to a good game cause Denver isn't going to lay down. Super Bowl Sunday 2016.
  8. More upgrades are happening today. I need to upgrade our version of PHP and MYSQL. Initially the PHP won't incur any down time however when I get around to MYSQL the site will be down because with no database it won't work. This should be a short process about 20 to 30 minutes. I'll advise here when I'm all done. Thank you.
  9. Memberships don't automatically renew so all you have to do is let it expire. Thank you for the support you've provided. Erik
  10. You graphics card probably lacks an ability to handle all those polygons and shading affects which is why it just shows a solid blue block. An upgrade to the hardware will allow you to see all the rendering you're asking about. It's not that the game doesn't have it if that's what you're on about. Thanks. Erik
  11. I'd say you just answered your own question. While I'm sure the machine is good for some things it's architecture and software isn't going to give you that immersion detail you're after. There may be a few tweaks you can make that will give you a marginal increase in performance and rendering but I doubt they'll make much difference. If you decided to spend a little money towards a more current platform more designed for gaming you'll get all the detail and effects you're after. In lay terms you're asking your 2006 daily driver to power around the track like a new sports car. Of course I may be wrong and I hope someone has some better advice for you. Sorry for the bad news and welcome to CombatACE. Erik
  12. Even if you don't want Win10 ...

    Saved my bacon! Look what would have loaded on my system at 3 am. Luckily I was able to hide the update and change my settings so the system notifies me of the updates but does nothing with them until I say it's okay.
  13. OOPS ... forgot to update this. The updates were almost non-eventful and slid into place like they were supposed to be there. Carry on.
  14. New Badges

    I've provided what you asked. I don't know anything about penguins or what you speak but I'll assume this issue is resolved.
  15. The Hog Stays!

    I have to say they built that one right. Basically it was, "what's the biggest and baddest gun we can commission, GREAT! Now strap engines to that bastard and make it fly." Stupid simple works every time.
  16. New Badges

    I gathered that since you posted here. Which service badge? (show me) While we're at it years of service and a little about the details? Thanks.
  17. New Badges

    I'm a little thick can you clarify what you're after exactly?
  18. Dutch Police Training Eagles to Take Down Drones

    I would think some chain or scale maille armor could be developed for the birds extremities, even those plastic blades hurt. I have to agree double 0 drops them like butter on hot toast.
  19. Ahhhh .... okay yeah I just approved that file. I'm glad you thought to check your ISP they can get dodgy sometimes and everyone including me wants to think it's the other end (meaning us). E
  20. Save yourself the headache, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Huh? I'm confused.
  21. Getting it off my chest.

    You can right click save image as then upload it to your signature which you do in your control panel very top right of all pages > edit profile > edit signature or click this link. http://combatace.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=signature
  22. Getting it off my chest.

    Yep not the first and definitely won't be the last person who's graced our halls with such dignified accolades for that place. We always are so surprised when it happens that we silently rate the posts in the staff lounge from 1-10 on the funny scale. Have fun while you're here and welcome.

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