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Everything posted by Erik

  1. Umm...

    I personally think you as "customers" under value your worth. I believe if there was a concise voice by the masses saying you want us we'll be over there ---------------> that's where the developers would go to post their news and keep their audience informed. The decision to follow the devs over there is noble but it's not going to do anything for those that follow. Will they get free copies of WOFF for following them over there? It's such a wishy washy reason to say well we're just going to follow because that's where we're going. The pilots I know chart their own course. Maybe I'm just brave, or stupid, enough to say something but if you want change it has to start somewhere.
  2. Umm...

    There won't be any slighting of the OFF community over a decision beyond their control. That was not the intent of my post this morning. The point is there's no loss to the OFF community because I haven't done anything. The forums and downloads are still here and we are still actively promoting OFF, but what is OFF doing for us? That is my entire point. To the mention of do unto others ... well that would mean I'd have to just turn it all off and walk away decision made.
  3. Umm...

    Thank you for reminding me of the features here. I appreciate your view.
  4. Umm...

    Siggi sorry I hijacked your thread. Bad form, I should be ashamed.
  5. Umm...

    There was and is more going on behind the scenes, there's no doubt in my mind. It was evident to me with what was said in the conversation between Winder, Polovski, and myself. Doug at SimHQ has been after our traffic since the day we opened our doors. It was the final gem stone in his faux crown to reach and strike for OFF while I was incapacitated. I will compare CombatACE against SimHQ any day of the week. I don't have to make promises, the concept is built. We were made from this community, constructed for this community, and designed with you all in mind. We don't use software that is outdated and we're designed for abuses that sometimes come our way. I'm not bitter and I'm not even petty. I advertise for Doug, you'll see his SimHQ logo on just about every page here. Free of charge, no mess, no hassle. Where's the war Doug? I missed it? Doubt you'll ever see a CA logo over there. I don't want to bash SimHQ, sorry for transgressions, they are a competitor and they offer different things, I respect them for that. Something's up though, I agree. I remember a couple years back when AVSIM crashed, taken offline by an disgruntle internal associate. They lost a ton of stuff and they had to rebuild from the ground up. I praised Tom for his courage to stand up and say wow we slipped up, shouldn't have happened, we're on to fixing it now. I even donated for the repairs, from my pocket from us at CombatACE not as just myself. I certainly wouldn't have emailed Tom's associates who use his forums, and shown them an exit strategy, even though they were down for weeks. I suppose it's just a different view, and a different class I hope to never grow into.
  6. Umm...

    It's a simple concept, where's the love? If your neighbor borrows your gas can to fill his lawn mower each week and he never bothers to return it full when it's empty, eventually you'll quit loaning him the can. Simple gestures of kindness, really and we all practice them. I get to host the files, incur the costs of the downloads, bandwidth, disk space, advertising, SEO marketing, backing up and maintaining them and what do I get in return? Links to my competition. Where is the equality? I understand the huge abyss of downtime lasting six days was horrible, just horrible. I pray SimHQ never has such issues where the cosmic clouds align and someone yanks the plug by accident while nobody is around who can do anything about it. It will happen. Machines can and do fail, systems fail, and in the end I pleaded with Winder and Polovski to reconsider, begged for forgiveness and took steps to ensure it would never happen again. We all make mistakes, mine was thinking I was too healthy to worry about such foolery as hospitals and dying. In the end it's claims of "lost business revenue", "liability and dependability", 6 days gents, 6 days. You all have waited years for concept to reality. In six days I got Maybe it's time for this to come to a head, maybe I'll end up loosing in the end, who knows. What I want is for everyone to rally behind us and support us. The "new home" exists because you allow it, not because somebody gets stressed over 6 days. In the grand scale of things, what did I cost them? Wonder where they would be if people gave up hope easily and simply couldn't wait six days? How can I say this any clearer? I want you all back. Period. End of story?
  7. I feel for you MB but I praise you at the same time, quality begets quality, and you my friend are top notch.
  8. Umm...

    I really dislike these posts. "new home" ouch. When struggling to survive my pulmonary embolism last year OFF moved during the downtime that happened while I was in a coma. I don't know what the best course of action is but this is a smack in the face after everything I've done for the community. If you're so unhappy here why do you continue using us for downloads and such? Oh maybe because SimHQ doesn't offer a system like ours? Hmmmm what a terrible situation you guys are in. I think dumping the lot and cutting ties might be the way to go.
  9. After looking, I see that you can group move files as well by selecting the tick box on the far right and move from the moderator control panel at the bottom. So if you have multiple files on the screen all going to the same place you can move them from there without editing the file and changing the storage location which is the hard way it looks like. Single or multiple files can be moved right from the listing page. Nice, you guys should have this done by tomorrow.
  10. The new SF2 file structure is built and ready for files to move in. I have disabled uploading to the old directories so incoming SF2 files will have to be uploaded into the new structure. Files can still be downloaded from the old directories. The old directories are easily identifiable by the words (To Be Filed) at the end. All the files in the directories that say (To Be Filed) need to be moved to the new section. This can be done by editing the file directly and changing it's storage location > then saving it. The file, comments, images all move at the same time. Since I disabled uploading to the old directories you won't be able to put any files there by accident, saving time and confusion. Once all the (To Be Filed) directories are empty [[ say "0" in grey ]] then let me know and I will delete them as you tell me to. I hope this is everything you wanted. Thanks to Neil it's pretty intense and well defined for ease of use. We're going to call this thread "done". Have fun guys. One of us needs sleep after a three day marathon to get this done.
  11. No, it's a very robust program. You might try removing it, and re-installing it. Otherwise I'm not sure how to advise you.
  12. He's got a whole section of "Add On Ships" broken down by type, ie aircraft carrier, frigate, subs, etc. Do you think we really need to define Naval countries because it will be a US then Other section which to me I think can be done as MB has it. My 2cents. I just ran the totals I've done 77 sections already and I have 230 more to go. This thing is intense. If anyone says they can't find anything they can bugger off. My fingers are worn out and I'm 1/4 of the way done. I'm so depressed.
  13. I spent the last two days putting this wicked crazy catalog together that MigBuster sent me, it's almost done. When it goes live I'll drop all the old files in their old directory structure into a "To Be Filed" section and close that section to uploading. So the files can be moved whenever you like and we should just make MB a moderator, he does the job anyway, then maybe he'd like to help see his dream come true. Thoughts?
  14. Hello ??? Did everyone fall off the planet suddenly when I wasn't looking? Work has begun on the new file system. I am going to need some help moving the files. Who is qualified to do that and help out?
  15. http://www.7zip.com/ Most will use a high end graphic suite that will allow you the use of layers and various other tools. That's something I think is covered in the guides and sections here. Maybe not specifically within the IL2 section but skinning is universal for the most part once you have the right files from the whatever you're skinning. You're welcome to read some of the guides in the Strike Fighters section, for example, that will get you started. Sorry I'm not much help, but the modders are the pros around here. I mostly keep the floor clean. Welcome, BTW
  16. That's not how Microsoft intended their software to work, I'm certain. The whole purpose of storing a local cache on your computer is to speed up delivery time of websites, which to some people relates to browser speed. The cache is designed to be dumped and the only thing I can think of is somehow either it wasn't getting dumped or was dumping a cache it wasn't using. Eventually the TTL (time to live) on the those files would have run out and the browser would have downloaded them and replaced them solving your problem. But who wants to wait a week for that to happen. Gosh sorry it was such a hassle for you guys and glad it wasn't everyone having that problem, can you imagine? Erik
  17. Chrome > Settings > Show Advanced Settings > Clear Browsing Data > Select "beginning of time" and "empty the cache" > [Clear browsing data] IE > Tools > Internet Options > Delete > Mark (Check) Temporary Internet Files (Uncheck or check others as desired) > [Delete] Firefox > Tools > Options > Advanced Tab > [Clear Now] Opera > Tools > Delete Private Data > Mark (Check) Delete entire cache (Uncheck or check others as desired) > [Delete] That should fix these page issues for everyone. If you have instructions for other browsers feel free to post them here. Thanks.
  18. This is a test of the language strings which I think might be a problem. This was posted using the German Language. This is posted using the Russian Language, wow some of these languages need to be updated. Checking Italian for problems. Spanish for problems. Chinese for problems. Dark Blue Theme for problems. CA Dark for Problems. Off for problems. Mobil Skin for problems. That wastes that idea. all seem to be working.
  19. It's not cookies, it's an old file remaining on your machine since our upgrade and stuck in your cache. Clear you browser cache which will force the files to reload. You also need to flush your java cache from your java console in your control panel area. This will remove all of our java applets that are stored there and refresh them as well. If the problem still exists let me know, but it should be happening to everyone and it's not. 1) Flush IE Browser cache > shut down your browser. 2) Flush Java cache ( control panel > java console > general tab > temporary internet files > delete cache ) > close java console. 3) Restart IE and reload site. Thanks.
  20. I can implement that structure. Granted it's quite a bit. Who's going to help move all the files we have now once the new structure is built? As a temporary measure I'm going to have to move all the files we have now into a "To Be Filed" section and they can be moved from there. It would mean that SF2 would be offline while I got this done. Is this what the collective masses want? E
  21. Likes Missing

    Was a setting that wasn't populated correctly. Fixed.
  22. Likes Missing

    IE 8, 9, 10 Firefox 21.0 Chrome 27.0.1453.110 m Opera 12.15 When you say like names, maybe I'm misunderstanding, what do you mean exactly? Still digging on this. E

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