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CSomers611 last won the day on January 22

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About CSomers611

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    Oklahoma, USA
  1. I've loved F-4's, especially the D model ever since I grew up around them at the 184th TFG. I believe the Phantom could hold their own as interceptors, which was a role of theirs. Dogfighting was where their maneuverability hindered them however, experience crews could lick F-15's and F-16's if they fought within their capabilities.
  2. Reviewing and tweaking a few minor issues.....
  3. Real life has been getting in the way of me wrapping up the Euro Phantoms of the 184th TFG recently, which has been a blessing in disguise as I've been able to do a little more research. Through photos I've been able to determine there were (3) variations in 184th TFG markings on the Euro birds. Top- Color AFOUA inline with subdued 184th TFG patch on intakes with colored Jayhawks tailband. Middle- Colored Jayhawks tailband. Bottom- Subdued markings. I'm working on the nose gear door numbers and tail numbers for these birds.
  4. From what my father was able to recall, no. He was with the 184th TFG Kansas Air National Guard during the Phantom days and he advised during the mid to late 80's no modifications/upgrades were funded for the D's as they had all but left the Active-Duty Air Force. He stated anything done would have had to be funded by the AF Reserves or Air National Guard, which was focusing on the F-15's and F-16's coming into their inventory.
  5. I take it this project is dead based on the lack of updates. I was looking forward to it.
  6. New clothes for a mig killer!
  7. Oil Slicks?! Looking forward to this terrain, looks great!
  8. Progress has been slow on the 184th TFG Euro Phantoms, however I believe I've gotten the tailband the way I like it. I've identified 15 different 184th TFG F-4D's sporting the Euro scheme through pictures, I'm sure there were more however I believe this will be a good representation of them. I've based my skin off of this picture of F-4D 66-0271, which is on display at McConnell AFB in the 184th Wing's Airpark...it's currently wearing the SEA Camo Scheme.
  9. There’s one on display at McConnell however it wasn’t ever stationed there, it was a Dyess bird.
  10. View File 184th TFG ADC Scheme The 184th TFG operated F-4D's from 1979 till 1990 and was the F-4 Schoolhouse, operating 70 F-4D's in various paint schemes. This includes 2 variations of the Air Defense Command paint scheme as operated by the 184th Tactical Fighter Group, Kansas Air National Guard during the late 1970's and 1980's. The following F-4D's of the 184th TFG are depicted in these 2 variations. ADC Scheme w/Black Radome: 65-0614, 65-0638, 65-0714, 65-0749, 66-7461, 66-7668 ADC Scheme w/Light Grey Radome: 65-0590 Submitter CSomers611 Submitted 02/02/2025 Category F-4  
  11. When I lived in Kansas I would frequent both of those. Another MIG Killer, 66-0271 is on display at McConnell AFB on the west side in the 184th’s Airpark.
  12. The ADC scheme is wrapped up and submitted, so hopefully they'll be available for download soon. I only included F-4D's which I could verify wore the scheme while at the 184th TFG. Will start focusing on the 184th Euro Phantoms next. Thanks to Nightshade/PR for this screenshot!
  13. 184th TFG ADC Scheme

    Version 1.0.0


    The 184th TFG operated F-4D's from 1979 till 1990 and was the F-4 Schoolhouse, operating 70 F-4D's in various paint schemes. This includes 2 variations of the Air Defense Command paint scheme as operated by the 184th Tactical Fighter Group, Kansas Air National Guard during the late 1970's and 1980's. The following F-4D's of the 184th TFG are depicted in these 2 variations. ADC Scheme w/Black Radome: 65-0614, 65-0638, 65-0714, 65-0749, 66-7461, 66-7668 ADC Scheme w/Light Grey Radome: 65-0590
  14. Good to know, looking forward to it!
  15. Question on this new EF-4C, will the skins from the old model still work?

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