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Posts posted by anunk47

  1. 1 hour ago, GordonDriftman said:

    thanks the thing is that when i put the settings on high it would only render half of the screen but i think the main problem is the number of planes spawning in squadrans i tried doing that but i couldn't find the specfic file for the data to change i can use some help 

    Fly single mission, and edit using mission editor (Right bottom corner, pencil image). you can set up any aircraft type and size, mission of each type squadron, set up ground forces etc.

  2. 59 minutes ago, GordonDriftman said:

    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2350M CPU @ 2.30GHz   2.30 GHz
    Installed RAM    4/00 GB
    System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

    I see.. It's not a low spec,  it should be fine, almost same as my lenovo pad.
    Here's what I've ever encounter.. 

    Game stuttering during game, even freeze or back to windows. 
    - Set graphic option to Medium.. increase to High one by one and test 'em (Detail, Shadow, Effect, view distance  terrains, horizon etc)
    - Lowering the bitmap image for the aircraft.. (base TW/SF are 512 x512, but some moder has skins up to 2048 x 2048 or even 4096 x 4096)
    - Number of Aircrafts flying during mission, more numbers of squadrons that fly at same time, are consuming more PC resources too.
    -There's many more factor too, incompatibility between SF1/WOX to SF2 or vice versa
    -Some Mod need specific requirement of the game, (In SF2, some aircraft need basic SF2 Only, SF2 Israel, SF2 Europe, SF2 Vietnam, SF2 N.A or even all merged with latest patch)
    -Additional Terrain Mod, Effect, Environment also contributing with these problems, so there's so many factor and many solution too. 

  3. 4 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

    this is from call of duty.MW?

    You got sharp eyes.. the Base Model is from MW3 ( so it says from someone who port and share it in D.A.  I'm not A game ripper or porter anyway), some parts the models itself has been rebuilt, primary rotor and blades (original model maybe using Uh-1Y parts or something). 
    Piece by Piece, I'm gonna scratch again using available blueprint and my plastic model kit as sources..  for now I need to learn how to convert 3D works to lod, and understand how data works. (That's by meaning "School Project"  :biggrin: )
    If this post break any rules, feel free to remove it, I understand enough not to share any Piracy or uncredited (if permission granted) stuff here.. 

    (P.s. not to kiss someone backside here, but Mr. @yakarov79, I'm look up to your works, Love all your rotary birds, they are inspires me to learn.. I haven't thank you enough for that)  

  4. On 1/27/2024 at 12:45 AM, anunk47 said:

    How I fell right now..  :happy:

    Finally, managed fix collision Points and Gear Rolling radius..  test Carrier Take-off/landing.. aircraftdata.ini..
    Still long way to go tho.. :sad: (For someone who patiently guide me.. from really scratch how to extrude simple nodes to FM model.. yo da Man!  :ty:)
    Next.. Da Crew..






    • Like 6

  5. Same with some friends above, I'm a Scale Modeler who likes Vietnam War subject, love sim  and FPS games, and then Wings Over Vietnam brought me deep in this tar pit, and I don't wanna get out..  :biggrin:
    - Wide range of downloadable mods (thanks all kind modders here!)
    -(maybe) The only game I know that we could fly Pre-Historic Velociraptor to F-22 Raptor.. 
    -This game becomes more like sandbox to me.. (thanks to Blender, and Mue's toolbox)
    -This game are tolerable with my 90's Casio Scientific Calculator Processor laptop..
    -And Lads round here are more kind and feels like family than my own brother.. (wait.. ah.. I'm the only son..)

    • Like 7

  6. On 12/16/2023 at 3:33 AM, Wrench said:

    just a quick status report

    Really Love to fly her.. Wish It can be released soon... :biggrin:

    mandatory Screenshot.. ( ups, wrong thread.. lol)

    HEMTT mit PAC-3 Launcher:
    Basemod. scavenged from non-Commercial free3d
    HEMTT Data : @GKABS mamen!  hawya doin' bro? 
    PAC-3 @WhiteBoySamurai  / https://combatace.com/forums/topic/79957-pac-3-missile/?do=findComment&comment=639545





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  7. 5 hours ago, toot said:

    Mind sending a screenshot of where it's located? I'll check it

    Although I'm not 100% sure about it since I was able to import a blender cube ingame

    This is common Transparency How-to in blender 3+.. 

    and for 2.79 (since we using this much for export to Lod) 
    Check the Material, scroll down until you see "Transparency" then un-thick for solid output. 
    (BUT this is just a "maybe" case, since any possibilities could causing a model are OK in 3D Software, even in LODViewer, but FUBAR in game)



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