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Everything posted by WitchyWoman

  1. Saw the pics, all the new planes look great! Just curious if the Dolphin will have the extra upward firing dual lewis guns as well or maybe a 2nd version with the 4 guns?
  2. I hope you guys are doing well. I read on the WOFF page that you are needing donations to survive before release of the expansion. I totally understand that, at least in the US here, I think most people are hurting.I wish I could give you guys some money but everything has gone up this year and I even had to refinance my VA home loan to get a better percentage rate. this worlds gone nuts with inflation. Even home insurance is up like $200-$400 more a year and so are property taxes. A $150000 home these days that is a dump and well not even worth that, is selling for like $350,000 or more now. Barely getting by here. These politicians are also full of crap in the US as well when they try to lie to us that its not that bad and that they have reduced inflation. (They are totally FOS) Anyway I hope you are doing well. Hang in there. will definitely buy it when it comes out!
  3. + 32 button support?

    I totally get that you want to use all your buttons on your VKB but being a WW1 sim you really do not need that many buttons in WOFF. I have an X56 stick along with a warthog throttle and I also have an X52 pro and CH pedals but there simply is not enough important controls in the WW1 sim to need a bunch of assignments to fill up your hotas. Not only that but when I use my full on Hotas I have developed muscle memory to the assignments I have on them in other sims like DCS, Falcon BMS, etc and I would not want to have to relearn a new setup for them. I simply map the important buttons to my hotas which is not more than about 16 functions in WOFF. There is just no need to fill up every button and toggle on the hotas. WW1 planes were very basic machines with minimal controls, you do not have toe brakes, flaps, radar functions, antenna direction, spoilers, MFD buttons,etc which can fill up fast on a Hotas.
  4. Have had this since it was beta (9 years) and been abandoned the last 3 years or so.The game is in the same state it was in, circa 2020-21 even post this patch. Other then some changes in the menu, the flight model and graphics are the same as several years ago and the enemy does not even shoot back. Half the systems are not implemented yet. The promised campaign is nowhere in sight, and the developer had said that feature was close to being done (again several years ago) Zero communication in almost 10 years between customers and the developer despite many of us trying emails, steam, and even facebook over those years. Way too much time was wasted on the VR aspect when that was not originally planned when most people bought into it in the alpha stage so that and time wasted on maps not needed in the initial design did not help either. Now it seems there are a ton of "coming soon" windows all over the menu which will probably turn into DLC and soak up more time when the base game needs to be done first. (The AV8 and the dynamic campaign engine) This is not the first time the games been hyped like this either. There was a huge marketing campaign when this debuted in 2016 as a beta (really only a payware tech demo if that) and nothing it claimed ever came to fruition all those years ago. I'd be lying if said I am not bitter (a load of other people are too) given how this sim project was sold to us in the beginning and almost a decade of run around and bad development.Its been a huge dumpster fire and until we actually see real progress on base game being completed , it will not mean anything. Insert other media
  5. Just a note, Nvidia had an error and did not install the new 552 driver correctly. I was able to reinstall the new nvidia update and now DXVK runs fine with SF2. If you get this problem you might encounter a BSOD so just use DDU to clean out Nvidia drivers and reinstall and all should be well.
  6. The game runs fine without DXVK but you had written a suggestion about using it so I tried it out. The game obviously does not like it so I went back to playing without it. I have zero problems running DCS or other high end games on max settings so its certainly not my PC causing the crash. At any rate I have gone back to playing without it so no problems. Whats weird is before the last few driver updates by nvidia, it used to show the 2070 in Strike fighters, but something has changed since and it shows the built in crap intel card instead....just weird. Regardless I did select the 2070 in graphics profile an the game runs fine. Thanks for suggestions. As far as paying for access, it was late last nigh when I wrote this and that was quite a long time ago that CA offered it for download with a membership, just did not remember the details.
  7. with Dxvk installed it crashed to desktop on launching any mission and the log throws this error,
  8. so I tried the recommendations to use DXVK. I installed vulcan runtime. THe game runs fine stock but does show the built in crap intel card. When use DXVK it does show my Nvidia 2070RTX but when running ODS it crashed to desktop as soon as I start a mission. Any ideas?
  9. Is there a torrent somewhere to download this all at once? I was one of the people who paid for it before it was free. Would be nice to be able to get it on goggle drive or someplace that did not put a high demand on the combat ace servers and was faster.
  10. Future plans ?

    Gimmie a week or so, I am going to buy this and the DLC to help the project, I guess what sucks is one sale really does not go very far, nor does it pay someones wage for even a month. Thats what sucks these days. People throw millions of dollars away on Corporate publisher controlled gaming that has really become a sea of garbage and just gets worse every year. There is no standard anymore. And the sheep out there keep wasting money on garbage games they may play a week or less because of rampant ADHD (so many games coming out weekly that they cant even focus and complete one without losing interest) and yet they bitch on steam and other forums constantly, admitting they are disgusted with the state of gaming. I wish a lot of hat money would go to more indie developers (like WOFF and others)and other small teams of game developers who really embrace the old school approach of being gamers themselves and developing something they play and love as well. Even my son complains about all the garbage "games in name only". Even being generation Z , he embraces indie games or classic titles like I do because of how bad the gaming market is these days Its just become a sea of garbage or developers who scam their consumers by abandoning games on purpose then repeating the crime. I have seen so much of that in the last 5 years because of zero enforcement. I am just so disgusted with the gaming market. I know many others who feel the same way. Anyway keep up the good work. I hope the projects never die due to lack of funds.
  11. Belgian DLC?

    I get it, I just wish I could buy it now. lol
  12. Belgian DLC?

    Was curious, No updates since last November. Any idea when this might be close to release? Anytime soon?
  13. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    One thing I wish this sim had but its probably not possible due to the old code limitations is that "physics" feeling of flight" and less of the sliding feel which I think was leftover from the MSCFS coding . I also always find myself having to constantly apply a lot of rudder input just to stay on target and hit planes because of how the flight model works. This game beats every other WW1 out there, even current tech ones in terms of the campaign. Length of war, realism, amount of flyables and just about everything. But it could really use a flight model upgrade. That said, it does not stop me from liking the sim an playing it.
  14. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas, I hope we get the DLC soon. I'm ready to buy now. Flying circus 1-3 has been such a huge failure when compared to WOFF and its AI is a joke.
  15. Christmas is coming ......

    I hope its comes soon.
  16. Who Likes Belgian Waffles?

    I used to drink that when I could find it on the west coast but its hard to find. Best brew I ever had, strong and smooth. But then I decided a few years ago that I wanted to stay in a size 5 and so I cut beer out. I do still like blended margaritas, though. LOL
  17. Truly sad and a great loss to the community, Bless him....Rip
  18. VonS you outdid yourself here. It gave new life to this sim and corrected the problems plagued with the AI for years, in my opinion. Thanks!
  19. Is this all zipped up with all the files (aircraft, etc, etc) included somewhere?
  20. Combat Pilot: new WWII Pacific Combat sim

    All I can say is it better have a career/dynamic campaign. I took the survey. At any rate if something does fall through, I am very content with 1946 BAT mod as this theater is well covered in it but I hope this sim does deliver.
  21. Microprose buys the Falcon series

    This is rea;y good news, Can you imagine a new sim out of this engine dedicated to the tornado or F35? The dynamic campaign alone in falcon4/falcon BMS has really never been outdone, makes DCS look like a joke.
  22. Mythical beasts Over the Suez

    From the album WitchyWoman

    A cold morning, inbound for CAS.
  23. Valkyrie VF3

    Now we just need a red skin for Miriya Sterlings jet! She was my fave of course.

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