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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. F-105 vs F-35 JSF

    Who knows? But it would be a very lucky Flanker pilot who would ever get close enough to try out his gun on a F-22. Not having the most maneuverable dogfighter was a liability in the late 60's (although one that was overcome with tactics). But back then, AtoA missiles were of limited use. The latest AMRAAM is insanely deadly and versatile. AMRAAMs + AWACS + stealth + supersonic cruising speed = ?
  2. As you know, it's not that they're too accurate, just that the AI interceptors like to fall in line behind enemy bombers and get shot down. I want to try making the turrets more inaccurate to compensate for this. To do this, I just need to extract the Gundata.ini, change the accuracy of the gun(s) in question, and save it to the modded /Flight folder?
  3. AI in SF2 has proven that it is indeed dumber than dumb enough.
  4. Flies like you imagine it would, in the SF2 Universe, at least. Rolls fast and a bit unstable, pitch is noticeably weak. Lots of thrust helps it accelerate well, like the Harrier. I did pull the data.ini and increase the lift-jet engines' thrust (someone recommended that long before we got this pit, can't remember who...). It does not want to get off of the Kiev with full tanks and 4 lil' ol' R60 missiles. A real challenge to fly in a late '70s environment with Phantoms and Tomcats clouding the skies. I think I'll stay within missile range of friendly cruisers.
  5. Yak-38 Forger cockpit

    F#@% yeah!!! You are unequivocally, The Man.
  6. I think I remember buying WOE, noticing that the MiG-23/27 was listed as flyable. Oh the disappointment of seeing that A-4 pit when i fired it up...
  7. Pak Six

    So that's what you been cooking up. Very very nice.
  8. Oh when oh when!!?? (Rhetorical question, no answer needed) Looks great.
  9. I'll say that the cockpits are higher def than any TW pits. Un-tweaked stock, they have a few problems. SupGen has made the F-102 pit work great with his Ultimate Razbam pack. The A-6 pit looks very pretty, but some gauges don't work.
  10. I love the way the RAZBAM pit looks. I use it with the TW models. Only problem it doesn't have a distance to waypoint readout. If anyone ever gets that working, please let me know.
  11. At a glance, I don't see anything wrong there. Show me the first 3 paragraphs of your CAMPAIGN_DATA.INI
  12. Died in hospital from wounds sustained during mission. War's a bitch.
  13. SF2 F-16A Falcon (3W), 138th TFS, NYANG

    Nice work.
  14. I believe that SupGen did some research and discovered that the AIM-4 was not inherently inaccurate, but rather was unreliable being used by F-4's in Vietnam when it was originally designed to be used by the different fire-control system of the F-102/106. I downloaded his latest F-102 pack and use it over the RAZBAM plane, and the missiles in that pack work satisfactorily against large targets when using good launch parameters. I have to doubt that if they were indeed that unreliable, the USAF would have kept them in service well into the '80s.
  15. hey baffmeister, Thanks for the data. I tried some very similar numbers, and it works pretty good. In a perfect world, I'ld see my wingmen doing high speed angled attacks, but at least this keeps them from getting slaughtered. I was just getting sick of missions where my 4-ship formation took on as many bombers, and only I and (2 enemy bombers) lived to tell about.
  16. Gerwin's Iceland terrain mod is a must have, IMO. You can lose the red box with alt+D. Have fun!
  17. Green Hell 3.5

    Looks amazing, as always.
  18. SF2 WW2 ETO Gloster Meteor F.3 "Stand In" Pak

    Whereza V2's? Leme at 'em!!!
  19. I had the same experience with another user-made WWII plane, maybe a P-47? It would lift off the runway at 10 kts if you pulled back on the stick. I poked around in the data.ini and decided that this is waaaay above my paygrade. Modeling FM's from scratch must be a very tricky business.
  20. After putting together a couple of campaigns on the Formosa and Black Sea terrains, I finally feel comfortable putting together the node paths and getting this project going. It will be my first campaign file built from scratch. I must ask, is anyone else currently working on one? I do not want to step on any toes or steal any thunder. And if not, do yall think a 1965 Indo-Pakistani War , or a 1971 (Western Front only) campaign would be preferable first?
  21. Why, in the download section, of course... http://combatace.com/files/file/13640-india-pakistan-war-1965/
  22. Awesome. Please use my ini as much as you want. I haven't had time to do much. New job, 2nd kid, RL is kicking my arse (but in a good way :D ). I feel like most of the action in 1971 took place over East India/ Bangladesh, or do I have that backwards? But it would still be fun to fly Pakistani Mirages over the great terrain we have. Would also be a good use of the DLC F-104A Jordanian AF skin.
  23. Hmm... in service in 1983. This opens up more than just ODS. NATO Fighters 1986 comes to mind. Can't wait!

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