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Everything posted by bop1701

  1. View File Phillipines Campaign Update from "Partial Phillipines44" campaign, posted 7 27 21. It's working now - don't know why but when I deleted the A6M7, it seems to have fixed the issue. Hope you like it. ----- Re: This is an attempt to make a fictional 1944 campaign around Wrench's very nice Phillipines terrain. https://combatace.com/files/file/14171-phillipines-islands-1944-ww2-pto-terrain-for-sf2/ After reading 'Race of Aces' (great book - get it) I wanted to fly and fight many types of aircraft on that terrain. This is my first try at a campaign, and it uses a lot of gutting and reverse engineering from: Regula50's https://combatace.com/files/file/16491-tainan-kokutai-new-guinea-1942-campaignpart-1/ and -2 Pcpilot's https://combatace.com/files/file/13709-solomons-campaign/ Hope you guys don't mind - it's how I learn. Also much thanks to all the various aircraft downloads from this site I've used. This is a great community. If you don't have the various aircraft, just edit the ini's to ones you do have. Submitter bop1701 Submitted 04/19/2022 Category User Made Campaigns  
  2. I'm finally about to bite the bullet and dive into DCS. I think I'm gonna wait for the F-4E to come out, but I'm trying to find out what A/I computer controlled aircraft come with DCS:World 2.7. All I can find is the vague, "...and 84 AI aircraft...." If Im getting the F-4, I'm wanting to go up against her historic rivals, MiG-17, -21, -23, -25 and some Su's. Are those included in the '84 AI aircraft'? I know there's a Mig-21 you can buy but I'd rather not have to pay for a jet just so the computer can fly it. Also, if I get World 2.7, do I also need to get the Flaming Cliffs 3 module? Does 2.7 include the FC3 aircraft and terrains? I'm trying to find info in the DCS forums but there's so much there to go through I get lost down tangent rabbit holes. Also (part 2) I'm trying to decide on either the F-14, F-16, or FA-18 if the F-4 takes too long to come out. Any ideas? Which terrains do ya'll like best? Thanks for all the info in advance B
  3. View File TMF F-14 radar...sort of Update - sorry, forgot to mention you also have to go into the Cockpit INI and change the [RadarScope] NodeName from =radar_screen to =vdi; see pic. ----- Third Wire's F-14 was nice but didn't have a dedicated RWR display. The Mirage Factory's F-14 was fantastic, but the radar doesn't work anymore. Both are needed, and a fleet defender that's sans-radar is pretty useless. I edited the INI for TMF's F-14 (see first pic) and spliced in the avionics from TW's F-14_82. So now TMF's awesome cockpit has a working radar, sort of.... Problem: TW's radar image is too large for TMF's radar display screen, so the edges are cut off. I'm guessing you can only see about half to two-thirds of the radar image. See pics for comparison. Besides not seeing the full radar display, important target data along the edges are cut off also. Does anyone know how to scale down the TW radar image to get it to properly fit in the TMF cockpit display? I haven't had any luck Thanks Submitter bop1701 Submitted 05/17/2022 Category Avionics  
  4. TMF F-14 radar...sort of

    Version 1.0.0


    Update - sorry, forgot to mention you also have to go into the Cockpit INI and change the [RadarScope] NodeName from =radar_screen to =vdi; see pic. ----- Third Wire's F-14 was nice but didn't have a dedicated RWR display. The Mirage Factory's F-14 was fantastic, but the radar doesn't work anymore. Both are needed, and a fleet defender that's sans-radar is pretty useless. I edited the INI for TMF's F-14 (see first pic) and spliced in the avionics from TW's F-14_82. So now TMF's awesome cockpit has a working radar, sort of.... Problem: TW's radar image is too large for TMF's radar display screen, so the edges are cut off. I'm guessing you can only see about half to two-thirds of the radar image. See pics for comparison. Besides not seeing the full radar display, important target data along the edges are cut off also. Does anyone know how to scale down the TW radar image to get it to properly fit in the TMF cockpit display? I haven't had any luck Thanks
  5. Phillipines Campaign

    Version 1.0.0


    Update from "Partial Phillipines44" campaign, posted 7 27 21. It's working now - don't know why but when I deleted the A6M7, it seems to have fixed the issue. Hope you like it. ----- Re: This is an attempt to make a fictional 1944 campaign around Wrench's very nice Phillipines terrain. https://combatace.com/files/file/14171-phillipines-islands-1944-ww2-pto-terrain-for-sf2/ After reading 'Race of Aces' (great book - get it) I wanted to fly and fight many types of aircraft on that terrain. This is my first try at a campaign, and it uses a lot of gutting and reverse engineering from: Regula50's https://combatace.com/files/file/16491-tainan-kokutai-new-guinea-1942-campaignpart-1/ and -2 Pcpilot's https://combatace.com/files/file/13709-solomons-campaign/ Hope you guys don't mind - it's how I learn. Also much thanks to all the various aircraft downloads from this site I've used. This is a great community. If you don't have the various aircraft, just edit the ini's to ones you do have.
  6. Partial Phillipines44 campaign - help!

    try openning the "xxxxxxdata.ini' file in the campaign folder with a text editor and change the planes there to ones you have. That should work as long as the runway for the airfield they're at is capable of handling your planes. IE some planes need medium or large runways, but fighters should be able to operate out of any fields.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Help! This has been an attempt to make a fictional 1944 campaign around Wrench's very nice Phillipines terrain. https://combatace.com/files/file/14171-phillipines-islands-1944-ww2-pto-terrain-for-sf2/ After reading 'Race of Aces' (great book - get it) I wanted to fly and fight many types of aircraft on that terrain. This is my first try at a campaign, and it uses a lot of gutting and reverse engineering from: Regula50's https://combatace.com/files/file/16491-tainan-kokutai-new-guinea-1942-campaignpart-1/ and -2 Pcpilot's https://combatace.com/files/file/13709-solomons-campaign/ Hope you guys don't mind - it's how I learn. Also much thanks to all the various aircraft downloads from this site I've used. This is a great community. If you don't have the various aircraft, just edit the ini's I tossed various planes around on the bases. Again, no attempt at historical accuracy. Problem: The US aircraft all seem there and working, but only two groups of Japanese are working. A6M7/Lahug Field and J2M1/La Carlotta Field. I can't get the rest of the Japanese aircraft to appear. No idea what's wrong.... -I've tried moving aircraft around on the various airbases -lengthened the runways in the terrain folder in case the planes needed longer ones -increased the max number of squadrons allowed on the airbases in the terrain folder -various other hail mary attempts I've forgotten about. There are a lot of values and parameters I still don't understand in the ini's. If anyone wants to try to fix this and repost it I'd appreciate it. B
  8. View File Partial Phillipines44 campaign - help! Help! This has been an attempt to make a fictional 1944 campaign around Wrench's very nice Phillipines terrain. https://combatace.com/files/file/14171-phillipines-islands-1944-ww2-pto-terrain-for-sf2/ After reading 'Race of Aces' (great book - get it) I wanted to fly and fight many types of aircraft on that terrain. This is my first try at a campaign, and it uses a lot of gutting and reverse engineering from: Regula50's https://combatace.com/files/file/16491-tainan-kokutai-new-guinea-1942-campaignpart-1/ and -2 Pcpilot's https://combatace.com/files/file/13709-solomons-campaign/ Hope you guys don't mind - it's how I learn. Also much thanks to all the various aircraft downloads from this site I've used. This is a great community. If you don't have the various aircraft, just edit the ini's I tossed various planes around on the bases. Again, no attempt at historical accuracy. Problem: The US aircraft all seem there and working, but only two groups of Japanese are working. A6M7/Lahug Field and J2M1/La Carlotta Field. I can't get the rest of the Japanese aircraft to appear. No idea what's wrong.... -I've tried moving aircraft around on the various airbases -lengthened the runways in the terrain folder in case the planes needed longer ones -increased the max number of squadrons allowed on the airbases in the terrain folder -various other hail mary attempts I've forgotten about. There are a lot of values and parameters I still don't understand in the ini's. If anyone wants to try to fix this and repost it I'd appreciate it. B Submitter bop1701 Submitted 07/27/2021 Category User Made Campaigns  
  9. View File NF-104 'X Plane" Mission After reading about the flight research done around Edwards in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, I wanted to make a similar mission. This is an entirely fictional scenario, as I don't have any actual X-plane ad-ons to use for the sim, and I wanted to fly over Hawaii. The terrain is incredible. You'll need: Spillone104's terrific NF-104: https://combatace.com/files/file/11594-lockheed-nf-104a-for-sf2/ Menrva's beautiful Hawaii terrain: https://combatace.com/files/file/17485-hawaii-central-pacific-1959-2028/ Menrva's RealSky makes it great: https://combatace.com/files/file/16901-realsky-environment/ You MUST have the 'Start On Ground' setting selected on the Options page or you go BOOM. The scenario starts with you dropping out from under a B52. Full throttle and light the rocket off and have fun. After burnout, try and glide to one of the runways for a deadstick landing. For more challenge, simulate the high drag lifting body (M2-F2/3, HL-10, X-24A/B) vehicles by popping your boards at the top of the descent. I suggest maintaining 350+KIAS until beginning your flare. If you go over 115,000', the sim gets goofy and you're out of the cockpit. As far as I can tell the aircraft continues on a ballistic trajectory. Sometimes you'll come down in an upright or inverted spin, and it's fun to try to recover and still be able to glide to a runway. Submitter bop1701 Submitted 07/27/2021 Category User Made Missions  
  10. NF-104 'X Plane" Mission

    Sorry for misnaming the file - kinda new at this B
  11. Version 1.0.0


    After reading about the flight research done around Edwards in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, I wanted to make a similar mission. This is an entirely fictional scenario, as I don't have any actual X-plane ad-ons to use for the sim, and I wanted to fly over Hawaii. The terrain is incredible. You'll need: Spillone104's terrific NF-104: https://combatace.com/files/file/11594-lockheed-nf-104a-for-sf2/ Menrva's beautiful Hawaii terrain: https://combatace.com/files/file/17485-hawaii-central-pacific-1959-2028/ Menrva's RealSky makes it great: https://combatace.com/files/file/16901-realsky-environment/ You MUST have the 'Start On Ground' setting selected on the Options page or you go BOOM. The scenario starts with you dropping out from under a B52. Full throttle and light the rocket off and have fun. After burnout, try and glide to one of the runways for a deadstick landing. For more challenge, simulate the high drag lifting body (M2-F2/3, HL-10, X-24A/B) vehicles by popping your boards at the top of the descent. I suggest maintaining 350+KIAS until beginning your flare. If you go over 115,000', the sim gets goofy and you're out of the cockpit. As far as I can tell the aircraft continues on a ballistic trajectory. Sometimes you'll come down in an upright or inverted spin, and it's fun to try to recover and still be able to glide to a runway.
  12. Afternoon - was curious if anyone had been able to make the F-4's TISEO camera swivel to view the target that it's radar is locked on. When I try to use the TISEO view, when I cycle through the radar modes, the first thing that happens is the radar breaks lock and begins search sweeps again. Even if the TISEO would view a locked target, by changing modes you loose your target lock. Is there a way around this? Thanks in advance
  13. Wrench - thanks for the reply. I've done what you've mentioned except for an 'only PTO' folder. It may have probs but I do like the Hawaii terrain, and I can make my own missions in both of the terrains and then the Japanese show up; it just doesn't work for me in the normal automatically generated Single Missions. Thanks for all the great modding and the help. Now I just need to find a Kate so the IJN can carry some torps. Have a good one
  14. Morning - I've been able to deceifer some of the code through trial and error, and used the Knowledge Base here, but no luck with this one. For SF2/Wo*, I've downloaded the terrains CentralPacific and Hawaii (SF1). The terrains work, look great, and I can fly around, but no enemy aircraft appear. If I even try to fly an IJN plane, the game crashes to the desktop. I've messed with the Nations INI, made sure I have a carrier so the IJN has an airfield (Zuiho in Ground Objects - and since I can't find an Akagi, I edited the Targets and Types INI's to change Akagi to Zuiho), but I cant get enemy planes into the terrain. Any help much appreciated. Thanks again!
  15. Yes, thanks for the reply. For both terrains its 1940 to 2050.
  16. Does anyone use the TrackIR5 head tracker w SF2 n Win10? Curious n looking for opinions - Thanks!
  17. Morning - Does anyone know how to edit the distance from the 'action' you will be from when you either advance to the next action or set the Options Menu to place you close to the action (instead of starting on the runway)? I'd rather pop out 50-80nm from the target to get a radar picture and some situation awareness instead of being dropped into the fray almost immediately. Thanks, and thanks to all the modders/creators/programmers for continuing to put fantastic Wo* items out. Ya'll're giving us home-bound and grounded types something to do and look forward to. B
  18. I think the ThirdWire sim is fantastic - recently upgraded to SF2. But one thing I've been curious about for years: the MiG-23's turning ability in both SF1 and SF2. I like to think I've read a lot about mil aviation, especially Cold War era aircraft. The Flogger didn't have a great reputation. See "Red Eagles" by Davies, among other works. Fast, very fast. But a twitchy bird with poor handling in many flight regimes. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who flew F-4's in the 70's and 80's, and flew against MiG's at various Red Flag exercises. I've spoken to him about it, and he's said it was a early attempt at a BVR fighter; a hit and run slashing bird, not a turning knife fight machine. But in both SF1 and 2, it's there, turning like a pro. Not really complaining as I like the knife fight, but I'm curious since so much effort was made for realism. Any comments from the brain trust would be appreciated. Thanks B
  19. One more question - and thanks. I'm getting a new Win10 machine. I've emailed ThirdWire but gotten no response. Will the SF2 sims listed under the Win7 page work on Win10? Thank You
  20. Morning - I just downloaded SF2Europe, and through the Thirdwire webpage, ran the 'SF2 Series Jul 2013 Update'. When I ran it, it said SF2 was up to date and the Update was not needed. Here in the CombatAce SF2 Downloads section, there are numerous patches going back to 2009. The last were when Wrench posted what looks like the Jul 2013 Thirdwire Patch, as well as a HotPatch after it. Do I need any of the older Patches/Updates here, or does the Jul 2013 encompass them all, and I just need the HotPatch? Again, thank you all for the help B
  21. Thanks! Don't know why I didn't see that but thank you!

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