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About Mr_Tayto

  1. she may be old, but she has frankly an even bigger third party support crew than DCS with over 5000 various mods to add to the stock games Yeah, this. It might seem like a lot for one game, but in reality it's 4 or 5 "stock" games, along with the potential of hundreds of other full conversions; I'm not talking about just the odd modded plane, I'm talking about stuff like ODS, Falklands etc. Also, the fact that the game is so old, I've always considered the 2012 update the "final" version.
  2. I planned to do that but just bought a new HDD and copied my C drive onto it
  3. Do you mean stuff like canopies lifting?
  4. Scooters

    Lucky Gonzalez egresses the Laotian border area, having just destroyed a VC transit and supply camp (pictured) on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Sadly, his wingman was lost before the strike when he attacked an anti-air position, without order, as they crossed Route Pack 1 north of the DMZ.
  5. Well done Dels, it looks very comprehensive. Would you happen to have some images of cockpits etc.? The Spooky models, are they armed, have gunsights and such? And a general question for the thread/forum. How would one utilise aircraft such as the C-130 in campaigns, is it possible? Or would you have to create your own missions for this. I would like to see some Vietnam infantry support missions using the AC-130
  6. Scooters

    Thanks, and yes I have it. I'm playing Steel Tiger first to ease back into SEA, after having spent a bit of time in Dhimar, hence the skins haven't loaded yet, but looking forward to seeing them soon when I transition to RP targets.
  7. Scooters

    Oops, that seems enormous! That's my christmas present, wioth the patches I acquired, to honor my Scooter campaign jockey Ted "Lucky" Gonzalez
  8. Nuclear option is cool and all, but the sci-fi fake map aspect of it make it feel hollow to me, even if I do like the look of (most of) the aircraft. Some people even made throwback 60's skins for some of the planes which look incredible. The biggest aspect stopping me playing it is the missile spamminess of it; being able to lock up 5 targets and pressing a button just isn't in the same ballpark as using a high yo-yo to get bead on a MiG-17 who's been out-turning you for 5 minutes, only to find the AIM-9B misses the perfect shot anyway
  9. I LOVE these alt-history Dhimar/Paran posts, please keep them coming. I'd love a mod that allowed me to play as Dhimar (or Paran) through the ages. The base game does a great job but I wish there was more.
  10. I'm sure I had a book in the 90's which had colour plates of Tomcats "dressed" up in this way. I recognise the three bottom schemes in @RavenClaw's post.
  11. Have you asked this question on the TW or Devin Horner discord recently? Because if not, you're like the third person in a week to ask about the same thing The answer is: don't try to bind HOTAS buttons to the controls in-game. Instead, use the HOTAS profile software to bind the buttons to the keymap! This game is older than me teenage son, therefore the Keymap is king. Bind buttons to keys, not functions to buttons!
  12. @Svetlin have you tried actually landing on the deck? Also I wonder if it's worth checking the US naval aircraft for their "basesize" settings; it could be that the value relates to runway length for unassisted takeoffs, or even for runway surface (I noticed earlier this week some aircraft taking off from rough fields in game, which I didn't even know existed)?
  13. Scooters

    Proud of myself - best carrier landing I've ever done. I just followed CASE 1 to the letter (and number!)
  14. I do love me some aggressors. Just the best liveries. Nearly came to grief heading home from a strike; a big raid was on my reciprocal bearing, same altitude. I saw them last second!

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