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Everything posted by AcariaPlainum

  1. Sounds like it arming to fast
  2. Hey im trying to find Avionics DLL files but cant seem to find them Also what are these files exactly for?
  3. Hey im trying to add pylons to an aircraft with the fake pilot method but i dont know how to do it does anyone have some knowledge on it or some advice and examples?
  4. Is 3D studio max the only program that works to make 3D files? Also what kind of files to these programs make like . what file?
  5. Im trying to fix the Mig 35 and also want to make an F15 EX
  6. Whenever I fire my harm or KH31 missiles they lock on to the radar but just in the terminal phase they pass right over the enemy launcher or radar
  7. EF-2000

    Here try this Typhoon_DATA.INI
  8. Recently i encountered issues with cruise missiles being able to hit the Nimitz carrier. But i discovered that if i set the missiles to a certain turn ratio and they went to a certain speed that they were able to hit the carrier and would take a curved trajectory when going to hit the carrier Now I havent discovered the tolerance but as long as the missile is relatively consistent in speed then a certain turn rate will guarantee it can hit any ship in game The ratio i found was roughly every 45m/s a second equals 1g of turn rate again there are tolerances involved meaning it doesnt need to be that exactly but it would be great to get some further testing from others as well
  9. Smokeless rocket effects pack (Beta Version)

    Great for Ram Jet Effects
  10. So i modified a Kh35 to be a hypersonic Missile but I have run into trouble actually hitting a Nimitz Class Carrier With it. To explain the missile cant hit the target at all of there is no terminal pop up. It does however at long range hit its target at long range but once within 58km ish to 20km ish it will pop up at graze right over a giant carrier as if to miss the target on purpose. If someone can make this work files are below also some pics for context KH-35.bmp KH-35.LOD Kh-35F.ini Kh-35F_data.INI
  11. How can i make an RWR work when a missile goes pit bull as in most aircraft i have noticed the missile is coming at you the RWR goes silent For context im talking mainly about AHM missiles like R77 or Amraam
  12. But i figured out a different solution that's that when accelerating a missile it should maintain relatively consistent speed especially from boost phase to sustainer acceleration Then figure out the good turn rate G force wise and it hits the Nimitz fine KH-35.LOD For some context KH-35.INI KH-35_DATA.INI
  13. Where did you get those 2 i couldn't find them in the mods? @strahi
  14. These are all great ideas I think that the Vietnam and china one could also include the South china sea for a hypothetical clash for the spratly islands Though Poland and the English channel are all great as well for which i thought cold war hypotheticals for both say the Soviets occupy France or NATO invasion through Poland
  15. SA-10 Grumble A/S-300PT SAM system

    needs fixed hitboxes For the moment put that into the data file of launcher MaxExtentPosition= 0.9,4.40,6.15 MinExtentPosition=-0.9,0.40,0.4
  16. What do those things mean in missile data files? RadarSearchCW=FALSE RadarTrackCW=FALSE
  17. Its for an S400 Air Defense defence system
  18. RadarMissileGuidanceCW=TRUE RadarSearchTime=0.4 RadarTrackTime=0.8

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